New Zealand's Minister of Foreign Affairs Announces Next Steps in "Pacific Reset" Assistance Strategy


The New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs says he wants to completely restructure his aid spending, announcing the creation of a "Strategic International Development Fund".

  Winston Peters

Winston Peters
Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller

When the coalition government came to power last year, it announced a resetting of the Pacific to the New Zealand's foreign policy, and this year's budget saw an increase in funding for the Department of Foreign Affairs. Winston Peters announced Friday what he called the next steps of this reset, stating that he was very open to the waning influence of New Zealand in the Pacific.

million. Peters said New Zealand is looking to redefine its spending partnership. with others in projects lasting 50 years or more, highlighting support for a land reclamation project in Kiribati.

With that, Mr. Peters announced the creation of the development fund, which he said would allow the country to be flexible and meet the needs of the Pacific countries.

He spoke of strengthening partnerships, while referring to New Zealand as a small "self-sufficient" state.

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