News from the South Atlantic – Falkland Islands, St. Helena, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha


S.Georgia: Antarctica: no catchment areas for Krill
Submitted by Falkland Islands News Network (Juanita Brock) 21.07.2018 (Current article)

Andrea Kavanagh directs the protection of Antarctic Pew Charitable Trusts Southern Ocean Campaign

Krill Fishing Companies agree not to take areas in Antarctica
Areas are favorite plots for penguins, other species

By: Andrea Kavanagh Topics: Oceans Projects: Protecting Antarctic Antarctica Read Time:

Krill Fishing Companies Accept prohibited areas in Antarctica

the base of the Southern Ocean food web.iStockphoto

Krill is the lifeblood of Antarctica. Almost all species of the Southern Ocean are somehow connected to these shrimp crustaceans. Krill is also a critical carbon sink, blocking the carbon-equivalent emissions of 35 million cars a year.

Soon, this flagship species will benefit from additional protection in the most valuable lands for penguins, seals and whales.

Species found on the Antarctic Peninsula, including Gentoo and Chinstrap penguins, would benefit from a krill fishing ban. John B. Weller

The Association of Responsible Krill Harvesting Companies (KRG), which accounts for 85% of the krill industry in Antarctica, has engaged this week to stop fishing in the large coastal areas around the Antarctic Peninsula. The decision is a big win for species from the Southern Ocean, whose survival is threatened by climate change and dwindling food sources.

Enrique Gutierrez, left, managing director of Pesca Chile; Shannon Lee, Chief Executive Officer of Insung; and Kristine Hartmann, executive vice president of processing, Aker BioMarine Antarctic, at the signing of a voluntary commitment to ban krill fishing in Cambridge, UK. Rodolfo Werner

More importantly, ARK members pledged to support the creation of a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) around the continent that would include large areas of non-fishing. It's a visionary step that other fishing companies in Antarctica and around the world should follow.

A group of krill fishing companies are committed to stopping this species in some coastal areas around the Antarctic Peninsula where many penguins, seals and whales feed and breed. Rodolfo Werner

The krill fishing industry should continue to collaborate with scientists who advise the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), charged with protecting the Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean. These scientists are working on the design of MPAs in the Antarctic Peninsula. The members of the ARK and these scientists should work together to determine how these voluntary measures can ultimately be replaced by an AMP designation. Companies should also commit to participate in the necessary research and monitoring of future MPAs.

Such cooperation between scientists, governments, industry and conservation groups is needed to protect 30 percent of the ocean. maintain the global health of the oceans. We expect the Weddell Sea and the waters off East Antarctica to be declared marine parks at the CCAMLR annual meeting in Hobart, Tasmania, next October. The KRG's commitment to protect krill places the Southern Ocean Conservation Bar at a high level. Governments should follow the example of the industry and support MPAs.

Andrea Kavanagh heads the Antarctic Protection Campaign in the Southern Ocean of The Pew Charitable Trusts.

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