Op-Ed: Commissioners: Vermonters Must Work Together to Prevent Suicide – Mark Levine and Melissa Bailey


Several high-profile suicide deaths, as well as a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, once again put this public health issue in the limelight.
In Vermont, where suicide is now the eighth leading cause of death, we are working to put in place systems that help people before a crisis. At the same time, we must recognize the many factors that contribute to self harm or suicide attempt.
It will require a cultural change for all of us. We need to work together to eliminate the shame associated with mental health issues such as depression and embrace the social bond as a protection that supports people in crisis.
We can save lives if we pay attention, we show and connect, ask questions and

What is the history of Vermont?
Since 2010, more than 100 Vermonters have died by suicide each year except in 2012, and over 1000 have been hospitalized or have visited the emergency. each year, as a result of a suicide attempt
Tragically, we have seen these numbers increase in our state by as much as 50 percent over the last 17 years, compared to an increase of 30 percent in nationwide. Suicide deaths in Vermont are caused by firearms, and most hospitalizations for self-injury are caused by poisoning or cutting / drilling. Each statistic represents a person in pain, and the numbers reflect only a fraction of the people who suffer.

Who are we worried about?
Data show that some groups of people are at higher risk of committing suicide in Vermont. Men are more likely than women to commit suicide regardless of age, and women are more likely to be hospitalized to self-harm with poisoning or cutting / piercing.
Veterans are at greater risk of suicide than non-veterans, the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior survey found that Vermont teens, particularly those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender those who study color, run a greater risk than the white teenagers of Vermont. than their heterosexual peers or white, non-Hispanic peers.
The CDC report also highlights one important fact: More than half of all people who died by suicide had no known mental illness. This means that we should not be complacent about a person's risk if it presents warning signs but has no history of poor mental health.

Why do people try to commit suicide?
suggests some common reasons that lead people to consider, attempt, and die by suicide. The emotional health of an individual changes over time. Some people have mental health problems, such as depression. Personal difficulties – difficult relationships, alcohol or drug use, stress related to illness, financial difficulties, legal problems, divorce or loss of employment, social isolation – may accompany feelings of despair and despair.
Loneliness and isolation discussions in suicide stories, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation or race. We know that positive human connections during a crisis save lives.

What to do if you are thinking about suicide
If you are in crisis, remember that even the worst feelings of sadness will pass, and the desire to hurt you is probably temporary. Crisis data shows that the time that elapses between a suicide attempt and an attempt is relatively short, so make a link before acting.
Call the National Suicide Prevention Line at 800-273-8255. Dial 2-1-1 to reach a Vermont advisor. Dial 9-1-1 or go to the emergency department of the nearest hospital.
Do you prefer to send SMS? The Crisis Text Line (text VT at 741741), offers immediate advice and support via text messaging.
Ten community mental health centers provide 24-hour crisis services and ongoing support. Click on the red button "In crisis?" Online at mentalhealth.vermont.gov

How to Help a Person Who Has Suicidal Thoughts
If you think that someone is thinking of suicide, ask him or her. Request shows that you care and opens the door to the connection. This does not increase the likelihood that someone is thinking or trying to commit suicide. Help them get support from a mental health professional.
Most people who survive a suicide attempt do not commit suicide later, so helping someone through a crisis can save their lives. In addition, reduce access to lethal means of injury in a person's home, including firearms, lethal doses of drugs and alcohol that can lead to a dangerous choice.
In Vermont, we value our sense of community and our tradition of helping. crisis. We will all – as individuals, families, communities, workplaces and schools, and with the state government – reverse the trend.
Mark Levine is the Vermont Health Commissioner. Melissa Bailey is Vermont's Commissioner of Mental Health.

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