"Political earthquake" according to which Mexico votes left Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador


Furious from a spiral of corruption and violence, Mexican voters on Sunday sparked a political earthquake by electing a left-wing spokesman as president and giving him a broad mandate to overthrow the political establishment. and governing for the poor

. According to the electoral authorities, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador would win between 53 and 53.8 percent of the vote, a remarkable margin that has not been observed in the country for many years. A prominent exit poll predicted that his party allies were ready to win huge victories in the Senate and the Lower House, possibly absolute majorities in both cases.

Lopez Obrador is campaigning to transform Mexico and overthrow the ruling Mafia ruling The PRI, which dominated Mexican politics for most of the campaign, provoked anger and dissatisfaction among voters in the Party of America. Institutional Revolution, or PRI, President Enrique Pena Nieto and has run opinion polls since the beginning of the campaign. 20th century and took over the presidency in 2012, was to suffer heavy losses not only for the presidency, but also in the run-off races.

In short, in a hotel in central Mexico, Lopez Obrador called for reconciliation after a polarizing campaign and promise of a profound change that respects the law and constitutional order.

"I confess to having a legitimate ambition: I want to get into history as a good president of M exico," said Lopez Obrador, who won after losses in both previous elections. "I desire with all my soul to elevate the greatness of our country above."

The President-in-Office devoted much of his speech to appealing to citizens of all stripes and seeking to reassure those who have looked nervously at his candidacy

"This new national project will seek to establish an authentic democracy and we do not intend to establish a dictatorship, "said Lopez Obrador. "The changes will be profound, but in keeping with the established order."

Conservative Ricardo Anaya of a right-left coalition and PRI Jose Antonio Meade acknowledged the defeat shortly after the closing of the polls nationwide. The quick count had them around 22 percent and 16 percent, respectively.

"The trend favors Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador … I recognize his triumph," said Anaya in a speech to supporters.


Lopez Obrador's supporters began wild celebrations in Mexico City, crossing the central boulevard of Paseo de la Reforma, to the rhythm of" Viva ". Mexico! "And waving Mexican flags of car windows and moon roofs.

Thousands poured into the sprawling main square known as Zocalo, where the former mayor of 64 years had called his Supports to collect.Many have danced to the trills of mariachi music.

Lopez Obrador spoke to the crowd around midnight, saying to loud applause: "Today one step is over and we will start another – we are going to transform Mexico! "

The retired teacher, Susana Zuniga, beamed and declared that the country was living a similar moment to the Mexican revolution a century ago.

" The people in was fed up, "said Zuniga." That's what brought us to that. "

US President Donald Trump tweeted congratulations:" I'm very much looking forward to working with him, there's a lot to do that will benefit the United States and Mexico ! Lopez Obrador said that individual and property rights would be guaranteed, that he would promise respect for the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico and that his government would maintain financial and fiscal discipline.

scrutinized for any bribery or illegality, but otherwise the contracts will be honored: "There will be no confiscation or expropriation of assets. … Eradication of the corruption will be the main mission, "he said.

Lopez Obrador also spoke of support for migrants and said that the most forgotten and humble people in Mexico would have preference in his government. "friendship and respect" with the United States, and rather than the use of force to combat spiraling violence, it will seek to correct the root causes such as inequality and the poverty. "Peace and tranquility are the fruits of justice," Lopez Obrador said.

Exit Survey by Consulta Mitofsky for the Televisa Television Network Predicts Victories for Lopez Obrador's Morena Party Allies in at Least Four of the Eight State Races on the More Ballot for the Leader of the Government in Mexico. The central state of Guanajuato was supposed to go to a conservative national party candidate for action.

Mitofsky predicted that Morena's allies would take between 56 and 70 seats in the 100-member senate and between 256 and 2 91 points in the 500-seat lower house

Lopez Obrador, commonly known as his initials, " AMLO, "was making its third bid for the country's highest office, having failed in the 2006 and 2012 elections.

In 2006, its rivals convinced voters that its populist message was" a danger to Mexico. " In 2012, voters reinstated the long-held PRI, hoping to reduce deals to counter rising violence

. after six years under Pena Nieto, this was not the case

Mexicans' dissatisfaction with the status quo is such that not only Lopez Obrador but Anaya, Meade and independent candidate Jaime " El Bronco "Rodriguez all claim to be In the end, Lopez Obrador's rants against the" mafia of power "sounded the most authentically.

"The anger that Mexicans feel towards the way things are governed has favored Lopez Obrador," said Shannon O Neil, senior researcher for Latin America and the Council on Foreign Relations. He was able to capture the mantle of the outsider who wants change. "

After 12 years of almost permanent campaigning, Lopez Obrador moderated his message on both substance and style. He will govern for the poor and fight against rampant corruption, and also gave up promises to end the energy and educational reforms instituted by the Pena Nieto administration.

He also promised to & Ni…….. increase support for the elderly "Now that he has won, he can not miss this new generation who believes in him," said Mariano Bartolini, a 29-year-old lawyer who voted for Lopez Obrador in the city Northwestern British Columbia. Rosarito, near Tijuana. "It's thanks to us, the young people who support him, that he was able to get more votes than in the last election."

Lopez Obrador's rivals argued that he could put the country back for decades and lead to an economic disaster.

"I am concerned that some candidates make proposals that are impossible, because they are very expensive to achieve," said Juan Carlos Limas, 26, a supporter of Anaya [19659002] Pena Nieto said in a televised statement. he congratulated Lopez Obrador and assured him that his administration would work to ensure an orderly transition.

Sunday elections at all levels of government were the largest ever held in Mexico and became a referendum on corruption, corruption and other stuff used to divert money from taxpayers to the pockets of the officials.

Much anger was directed at the PRI, whose market-oriented economic reforms have not yet benefited many in a country where half of the population is poor. Meade struggled during the campaign to escape the party's discontent, even though he was never a member before using it as an "outsider" candidate

Anaya tried to exploit youth voting with a focus on technology and new ideas. he divided his own conservative party to take his candidacy and there were doubts that his new allies in the Left Democratic Revolution Party would turn to anyone on the other end of the ideological spectrum [19659002] isolated incidents.

– AP

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