Public health intervention needed to manage the syphilis outbreak


The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) wrote to the Minister of Health, Julie-Anne Genter, calling on the New Zealand government to set goals and provide additional resources to combat the disease. epidemic of syphilis.

Doctors also want the Department of Health to establish a promised electronic surveillance system that properly reports the number of infections to syphilis.

"We are very concerned about the growing number of New Zealanders who contract syphilis., Where the rate of reported infections is the highest in the country – double the national average," said Dr. Jeff Brown, President of the RACP (NZ)

"There are now cases of congenital syphilis a pregnant woman with her unborn baby.Without treatment, there can be serious and sometimes fatal complications for an infected fetus.

"In 2018, this just should not happen in New Zealand."

In its letter to the Ministry of Health, the RACP points out that syphilis has been a reportable disease for 18 months, however , the Ministry still implement an electronic surveillance system that properly notifies the number of infections.

Sexual health clinics report cases of syphilis at the Institute of Science and Research envir However, the current surveillance system does not include cases managed by primary care practitioners. The rates of infection in the community are therefore likely to be higher, say the doctors.

DHBs have no targets for reducing syphilis infections or a national policy on manpower requirements for the sexual health sector (including medical professionals, nurses , paramedics). Currently, there are no mandatory service specifications for the provision of publicly funded sexual health clinics.

"Syphilis does not belong to a bygone era, it is here – especially in vulnerable communities – it is increasing. "The ministry must urgently deploy the electronic surveillance system to monitor notifications, as well as establish national standards for sexual health services.These public health services must have adequate resources to prevent and contain the disease. spread of the disease.

"We are concerned that the lack of objectives, labor force policy and service specifications combined with the reduction of specialized positions to Auckland's ongoing syphilis epidemic. "

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is caused by Treponema pallidum. It can usually be treated with antibiotics such as penicillin injections. Without treatment, syphilis can cause serious health problems.

Infected babies who are untreated may experience seizures, brain damage, blindness, developmental delay, or death.

Since 2013, the number of infections is steadily increasing in New Zealand and especially in Auckland.

The incidence for New Zealand in 2015 was 4.6 per 100,000 per year but was almost twice as high in Auckland (8.7 per 100,000). About 495 cases of syphilis were recorded in 2017.

Anyone can get an infection. While 2015 data show that infections are most prevalent among gay and bisexual men of all ethnicities, in 2017, preliminary data show that 30% of cases were diagnosed in the heterosexual population.

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