Reaching the summit: Trump doubt of Intel, plays in confidence


WASHINGTON (AP) – The first summit of President Donald Trump with the Russian Vladimir Putin sparked confusion and outrage in the United States

After a remarkable 45-minute press conference, the White House has endeavored to explain closely with the Russian leader, a geopolitical enemy in chief. Several prominent Republicans expressed disappointment at the president's performance. Intelligence officials have publicly broken with the president's comments on Russian interference in the 2016 campaign.

The consequences were a reminder of Trump's singular political positioning. After a year and a half in power, Trump still alienates his party and some of his own government

A look at what we learned from their joint press conference:



Since the first intelligence assessment concluding that Russia has interfered in the 2016 campaign, Trump has zigzagged to find out if he really believes it. When he is in a hurry publicly, he says that he accepts Russia's participation, but then suggests that he has doubts.

The indictment Friday of 12 Russian officials accused of hacking and other related crimes does not seem to have changed in the opinion.

see no reason "why Russia would interfere in the election, Trump added, while then saying that it maintains confidence in the intelligence community." confidence in both parties, "he said about Putin and the US secret service.

Trump's comments Monday made it clear why he is so reluctant to recognize Moscow's role. In conclusion, Trump quickly slipped into a defense of his legitimacy, calling his offer "a clean campaign." For the president, it seems that any conversation about foreign interference is an attack on his pretension to the post. his remarks on Monday, he was reluctant to remove the issue of politics or to consider it a threat to security or a challenge to American democracy


POULIN ADMIT L & # EVIDENCE [1965] 9002] Assessments of the US intelligence community that's rooting for Trump on Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election.

"Yes, I did it", said Putin, when asked him if he wanted Trump to win. "Yes, because he talked about bringing American-Russian relations back to normal."

After all, there was little lost love between Putin and Trump's opponent, former Secretary of State Clinton, who had become increasingly critical of actions of his government in Ukraine and Syria.

Russia has already used electoral interference to undermine public confidence in democratically elected governments. Although Putin did not specifically order the interference for the benefit of Trump in 2016, US officials said that Russia has tried to undermine the confidence of Americans in their government.

Putin appeared to attack sensitive subject Monday by answering a question about the interference. "Do you think the United States is a democracy?"



Putin was at the helm during the press conference – speaking at first and easily parrying with reporters. Trump, whose opening remarks were made from notes, appeared uncomfortable at times and defensive about others.

The leaders' press conference was overshadowed by the interferences of 2016 and Russia. election, the rest of the bilateral relationship was left to Putin to explain. Trump has not criticized Russia's support for Syrian leader Bashar Assad, whom the United States has called to resign. Instead, Trump said the pair was committed to Israel's security and argued that the US and Russian military "heard".

Regarding Iran, Putin reprimanded the US president for weakening the Iranian nuclear deal. the opposition of the United States to the annexation of Crimea by Russia, leaving Putin to take note of the American position

"The position of President Trump on the Crimea is well known, and he supports her firmly. " I said. "He continued to argue that it was illegal to annex it."

Putin, of course, is not in agreement.



Directly asked if his government Mr. Putin told reporters: "It is difficult to say anything. to imagine greater absurdities ". He added, "Please take this garbage out of your head."

Speaking to salacious allegations about Trump's business trips to Russia that surfaced in an election brief prepared by a former British spy, Putin said: I do not even know that it was in Moscow. Trump has long denied the allegations and used the partly unsupported claims in the document, funded by the Democrats, as a cudgel against the broader investigation of Russian interference.



Still in the afterglow of accommodation Putin released a red and white soccer ball and pitched it to Trump, whose country will co-host the Tournament of 2026.

Praying the role of Russia as a guest, Trump told the North American Joint Committee We hope we will do our job as well.

Trump said that he would give the ball to his 12-year-old son Barron, a football fan for whom he set up a soccer net at the White House. Then the US president threw the ball at his wife, Melania, sitting in the front row.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a outspoken Putin who has an unprecedented relationship with Trump, tweeted: "If it was me, I would check the football to listen to the devices and never leave him at the White House. "


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