Rescue of the Thai cave: the drug that allowed the boys to survive the rescue mission


Schoolchildren rescued from a flooded cave system in Thailand received an anti-anxiety drug to prevent them from panicking during the terrifying submarine mission, admitted the country's Prime Minister

. but Prayut Chan-o-Cha confirmed that they had received an anxiolytic "not to excite them, not stressed out".

The rescue was carried out by an elite team of international divers, led by British, who guided the young slowness along the tortuous two and a half mile escape route, the Daily Mailreports.

  The trapped boys smile as a Thai navy nurse helps them in the Mae Sai cave in northern Thailand. Photo / AP
The trapped boys smile when a Thai navy nurse helps them inside the Mae Sai cave in northern Thailand. Photo / AP

One of the British divers said: "It was said that boys were getting a dose of ketamine [a horse tranquilliser often used as a recreational drug] to keep them calm." A US military diver added, "These children were stunned."

Fernando Raigal, a Spanish diver who participated in the rescue, told the Mall: "The boys were sedated – they were unconscious."

Mr. Prayut denied this, saying: "All the children were aware during the operation."

An extraordinary video shows how the boys were transported on stretchers for non-flooded sections of the tunnel. In the underwater parts, they were pulled into a dream state by divers.

The conditions of treason in the cave system were unveiled in the video published yesterday by sailors of the Thai Navy. exit safely after completing the rescue mission. Photo / AP "src =" data: image / png; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAPAAAOrq6v /// yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw == "data-srcset =" //×240/smart/filters : quality (70) / 320w, //×281/smart/filters: quality (70) / 375w, //×465/smart/filters:quality (70) / 620w "/>

The last four seals of the Thai Navy come out safely after completing the mission of Photo / AP

It shows divers preparing to dive into brown waters like "cold coffee."

Contrary to the idea that children would swim, they seem to You can not be motionless in the video as they pass A chain of lifeguards including Thai Navy personnel and volunteers from around the world.

In a film section filmed in a dry part of the cave system, six rescuers grab the handles of a heavy-duty plastic cradle carrying their precious young cargo. Other aids weigh on ropes to hoist children into steep sections.

Wrapped in aluminum blankets to keep them warm, the boys are strung into a claustrophobic tunnel compared to the "S-bend" of a toilet. They then descended on steep slopes and fired through strangely narrow throttles.

At one point, we see a boy waving his hand slightly and gripping his fisted fingers, suggesting that they were not completely unaware

Previously, children could swim and it is clear pictures that rescuers feared too much to panic under the water to risk trusting them to simply dive out of the flooded cave system.

  Three of the 12 boys are seen recovering in their hospital beds after being rescued with their coach. Photo / AP
Three of the 12 boys recover in their hospital bed after being rescued with their trainer. Photo / AP

Commander of the Thai Navy Chaiyananta Peeranarong said: "Some of them were sleeping, some of them were wagging their fingers … [as if] groggy – but they were breathing."

He added that doctors were posted in the corridors of Tham Luang Cave to constantly check the status and pulse of the boys.

The video shows how engineers preparing for the operation had etched steps into the tunnels to make them easier, even though they were cascading.

The rescuers were also to span kilometers of tubes that had been laid to pump water.

The children were kept in special diving masks, even on the dry parts because of the decrease of underground oxygen.

  Rescuers hold a boy evacuated inside Tham Luang Nang Cave in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. Photo / AP
Rescuers hold a boy evacuated inside Tham Luang Nang Cave in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. Photo / AP

When they finally emerged, they were given sunglasses to shield their eyes from sunlight and were swept away by helicopters waiting.

Derek Anderson, one of the US rescuers involved in the mission. and their coach had been "incredibly resilient … and discussed staying strong, willing to live, willing to survive."

The rescue began on Sunday, when four boys were extracted. Four others were highlighted on Monday and the last four and their 25-year-old coach Tuesday.

Anderson said that divers were practicing their rescue techniques in a pool with local children of the same size and weight as the members of the Wild Boars football team is trapped in the cave [19659031] Rescuers hold an evacuated boy inside Tham Luang Nang Cave in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. Photo / AP ” src=”” data-srcset=”//×196/smart/filters:quality(70)/ 320w,//×230/smart/filters:quality(70)/ 375w,//×380/smart/filters:quality(70)/ 620w”/>

Rescuers hold an evacuated boy inside Tham Luang Nang Cave in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. Photo / AP

The goal was to make each boy "well packaged" so divers could keep control over them and adjust their air supply as needed. Anderson says that the so-called positive-pressure diving masks used by the boys were "crucial".

Their use meant that even if a boy panicked during the rescue and received water inside his mask, the pressure would expel him

. Anderson says, "We were extremely lucky that the result was as it was."

It appeared last night that the pumps that drained the cave water failed shortly thereafter rescuing the last boy

shouting from inside the cave and seeing workers rushing towards the entrance as water levels rose.

The head of the rescue team, Narongsak Osottanakorn, revealed yesterday that the cave would be transformed into a "living museum". Harris, an Australian doctor who stayed with the boys in the cave in their last days there, was told shortly after the mission that his father was dead.

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