Rule that helped me lose 22 kg


DESPITE an active lifestyle, Courtney Schweiger weighed 97 kg at her heaviest.

His problem came down to food.

"I've had a hard time eating all my life," says Schweiger on his blog.

"When I was stressed or anxious, I ate more, when something bad happened, I asked for sweets, those cravings combined with the shame that I felt about being" fat " , Turned into many years of eating disorders. " said.

  Courtney weighs 97 kg at her heaviest weight, but has since changed her eating habits.

Courtney weighs 97 kg at her heavier, but has since changed her way of eating.

Macros count as a healthier way to lose weight, but eventually found too restrictive and she began to obsess about the number of macros for each meal.

"I lost weight, I felt good, but I also noticed that locating had become an obsession, I had come to the point where to eat immediately flooded my mind with Guilty thoughts even before placing an order.That has discouraged me from what was originally planned in My Fitness Pal has given me anxiety. "

  Before and after Courtney's weight loss. Image: Instagram "title =" Before and after Courtney's weight loss. Image: Instagram "data-largeimg =" "/> 
<p> <span>  Before and after the weight loss of Courtney: Instagram </span> </p>
	  "Although I felt pretty good physically, I did not balance that" good "feeling with my sanity. I had arrived at a place where I was afraid of certain foods and was afraid to gain weight. I realized that I needed to find a balance. "
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  Courtney lost a lot of weight counting macros, but found that it did not make her happy.

Courtney lost a lot of weight counting macros, but found that he did not "My restrictive diet, bulimia and binge eating had an extremely negative effect on my body. It ruined my metabolism. It ruined my mental image of what my body was and what my body should be. He ruined having fun socializing on food and drinks with friends. He ruined family events that involved food. He has isolated me. "

  Courtney followed her weight loss journey on social media. Image: Instagram "title =" Courtney followed her weight loss journey on social media. Image: Instagram "data-largeimg =" "/> 
<p> <span>  Courtney followed her journey of loss of weight on Image: Instagram </span> </p>
	  But then she is heading for the 80/20 rule.
	  This basically means that you keep 80% of your diet clean and nutritious (from complete foods made from complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and rich protein) while 20% is "fun" like the Courtney calls.
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  Courtney and her husband are still able to enjoy sweet treats (without feeling guilty).

Courtney and her husband are still able to enjoy sweet treats (without feeling guilty about "Sometimes my snacks look like sliced ​​apple and peanut butter, while others I could nibble on Halo ice cream or tortilla chips and guacamole, "she told Popsugar.

She attributes to the 80/20 approach "a little portion control mixed with balance" by helping her lose 22 kg and improving her emotional relationship with food.

  Courtney lost a lot of weight by respecting the 80/20 rule. "Title =" Courtney lost a lot of weight by respecting the 80/20 rule. "Data-largeimg =" https: // 2018/07/19 / imagev11d29091c76a98f733b71140a91ef596b-0pnos2stccj8upurmq2_t677.jpg "/> 
<p> <span>  Courtney has lost a lot of weight in her life. taking the rule 80/20. </span> </p>
	  She says that weight loss has occurred gradually.
	  "Two books quickly turn into 10, then the next 10, and all of a sudden you have 50 pounds less."
	  His new diet is supplemented by regular workouts, including HIIT cardio sessions and strength training.
	  She now shares tips and tricks on weight loss and fitness on her Instagram and Facebook pages with a growing number of followers.
	  "I am the biggest advocate that no one should be afraid to eat," she says.
	  "No one should feel as much guilt as they have to submit to physical / mental pain and stress just because of one meal."
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