Samoa seized all MMR vaccines after the death of two young children


Samoan health authorities stopped all children vaccinations in the island nation after the deaths of two young children

A full investigation into the circumstances of deaths was also launched at the request of Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi . 19659002] The situation arises after two children, both 1 year old, died a few minutes after receiving a MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccination at Safotu hospital in Savaii on Friday.

Young people were identified as Lannacallystah Samuelu, daughter of Marietta and Samuelu Tuisuesue, and Lameko Siu, son of Punipuao and Timua Siu.

News of the dead began to spread over the weekend after family members posted photos of dead children – one wrapped in his mother's arms on Facebook

The public was officially informed by the authorities yesterday, when the head of the Samoa Department of Health, Dr. Leausa Toleafoa Take Naseri, announced that all the MMR neck vaccinations Lannacallystah Samuelu died a few minutes after receiving a MMR vaccine at Safotu hospital , in Savaii, Samoa. Photo / TV1 Samoa "src =" data: image / png; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAPAAAOrq6v /// yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw == "data-srcset =" //×575/smart/filters: quality (70) / 320w, //×674/smart/filters:quality (70) / 375w, //×1115/smart/filters: quality (70) / 620w "/>

Lannacallystah Samuelu died a few minutes after receiving a MMR vaccine at the same time. Safotu hospital, Savaii, Samoa Photo / TV1 Samoa

The nurses who administered the vaccines were also demobilized and supported, he told local media.

In a statement, M Alielegaoi called the incidents "devastating" and stated that he was not taking

"There are already processes that will determine whether negligence is a factor," he said.

"And if so, rest assured that these processes will be implemented to the letter – to ensure that such a tragedy"

Youth families declared TV1 Samoa that they had made formal complaints to the local police and called for investigations into the death of their children

.The mother of a child told the station that she was asked his son not to be vaccinated after learning of the death of the little girl, which had occurred about two hours earlier in the same hospital

.The vaccinologist Helen Petousis-Harris of 39; University of Auckland stated that one death, let alone two, was extremely rare and that there had never been any deaths associated with MMR vaccine in New Zealand. 19659002 ] She said that although investigations are continuing on what went wrong, there were two reasons

"First, there was an error where the vaccine is incorrectly prepared for injection.

"Or there was some sort of contamination because the vaccine was reconstituted and left at room temperature for a very long time.

Petousis-Harris acknowledged that there could be injections. Now parents are afraid of the safety of vaccines and vaccinations.

But she said that it was important for people to understand that the vaccination program was very safe in New Zealand.

The last thing you want is that people are scared of something we know to be incredibly safe.

"But now we must try to understand what has happened and then determine what can be done to avoid that.

"It's unusually rare globally and it will be taken very seriously."

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