St John launches first aid in mental health –


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Auckland, August 1, 2018
While most New Zealanders are comfortable discussing open physical health, the stigma surrounding mental health remains.
St John Launches Mental Health First Aid Training Course "
Gabrielle Wildbore, National Program and Development Manager for St John, said developing mental health first aid is a natural choice for Saint John.
"We can all help one in five Kiwis
People in Crisis
Saint John Ambulance Officers are the eyes and ears of the health system and respond to a growing number of 39, calls related to mental health, year after year. Many of these calls are people in crisis. The goal of Mental Health First Aid is to facilitate early open conversations, and to highlight organizations that can help prevent people from reaching this crisis point, "she said. As the largest and most reliable first aid training provider, we wanted to use our training expertise to help open and demystify the conversation about mental health and well-being. "When someone enters with an arm in a sling or on crutches, most of us naturally ask: what has happened? How can I help?" she asked.
When the fight is not visible, even if it does not have less impact, a whole series of social, environmental and personal factors intervene actively against us. Is the time when we most need to communicate, but the very moment we find it the most difficult.
Confident Conversation
Ms. Wildbore said that St John has developed a mental health system for help the Kiwis, have these conversations, know that they are doing what is needed to provide initial support, and also know how to refer people to professional help.
Mental Health First Aid St John's were carefully designed for the New Zealand context. and the search for reliable international and local best practices. "The new course provides a basic understanding of the relationship between mental health and disorder, and the potential red flags, strategies for managing the initial crisis," she said. "Support from friends, family and colleagues safely, and information on getting immediate help if needed, "said Mr. Wildbore about the course
The Mental Health First Aid Training Course St John is open to all, welcoming individuals and groups from the beginning of September, and about 450 organizations and members of the public have already expressed an interest in taking the course.
The Mental Health First Aid Training Course John is a full day workshop, available throughout New Zealand

As a charity, the profits are used to support the emergency ambulance operations of St. John's and half a million 111 calls received each year.
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