Symptoms of skin cancer: countries with the highest risk of signs


Skin cancer is not always easy to identify, and doctors may have trouble determining if a skin lesion is actually cancerous.

There are two types of skin cancer; melanoma and non-melanoma

It is one of the most common cancers in the world, and more than 100,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the UK.

But, how does the rate of skin cancer in the United Kingdom compare? The United Kingdom is the tenth on the list of countries comparing the number of cases of skin cancer to the population, the latest figures revealed

New Zealand has the highest cancer incidence score of skin – the number of new cases

Its neighbor of Oceania, Australia, comes in second position, with more than 12 000 annual cases of melanoma each year.

The total number of deaths from skin cancer has doubled since 1990, according to the author of the research, derma.more

People need to take more precautions to avoid the disease because the number of case continues to increase, he said.

Derma.more the chief medical adviser, Professor Dietrich Abeck, said: "Incidence of both non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers increased

" This study shows that a high level UV exposure, associated with lighter skin, led to a higher diagnosis of skin cancer.

"However, on the other hand, the index reveals that Countries like New Zealand and Australia, which have one of the highest rates of skin cancer, also have the lowest mortality rates because of high health expenses. "[19659002]

The best way to protect yourself from skin cancer is to avoid sunburn.

Use a high-grade sunscreen, dress reasonably in the sun, and limit the amount of

Complete list of countries with the highest number of new skin cancer cases by population (scale from 1 to 10):

1. New Zealand 10

2. Australia 9.67

3. Switzerland 5,89

4. Sweden 5.79

5. Norway 5.71

6. Netherlands 5.6

7. Denmark 5.57

8. Slovenia 5,19

9. United States 4.62

10. United Kingdom 4.6

11. Finland 4,59

12. Czech Republic 4.38

13. Germany 4.36

14. Republic of Ireland 4.02

15. Belgium 3,79

16. Austria 3.51

17. Iceland 3.49

18. France 3.48

19. Canada 3.41

20. Slovakia 3,41

21. Serbia 3,32

22. Estonia 3.04

23. Latvia 2.84

24. Hungary 2,84

25. Spain 2.74

26. Lithuania 2,53

27. Croatia 2,39

28. Malta 2,37

29. Italy 2.35

30. Israel 2.13

31. Macedonia 2.13

32. Poland 2,08

33. Ukraine 2,04

34. Bulgaria 1,98

35. Russia 1.95

36. Cyprus 1.95

37. Romania 1,91

38. Portugal 1.72

39. Greece 1.70

40. Montenegro 1.59

41. South Africa 1,54

42. Argentina 1,52

43. Colombia 1.49

44. Brazil 1.47

45. Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.44

46. Turkey 1.31

47. Chile 1.28

48. Mexico 1.26

49. Albania 1,2

50. South Korea 1,2

51. Japan 1,16

52. China 1,1

53. Iran 1.1

54. Indonesia 1.05

55. Philippines 1.03

56. Nigeria 1.02

57. Pakistan 1,02

58. India 1.02

59. Egypt 1.00

60. Iraq 1.00

61. Bangladesh 1.00

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