Syrian projectiles fall into Kinneret Lake in Israel – Israel News


Two projectiles fired from Syria fell on Wednesday in the waters of Lake Kinneret in northern Israel, authorities said after rocket sirens were heard in the Golan Heights and residents were reported declared to have heard an explosion.

Police confirmed that at least one projectile fell in the lake.

Authorities said the sirens were triggered by bombings in Syria, a day after Israel shot down a Syrian fighter jet entering Israeli airspace.

Sirens were heard in communities in the southwestern Golan Heights, near the Syrian border.

The army confirmed that the sirens had been fired and that she was examining the cause.

>> Israel defends itself by crushing the Syrian jet – but will not interrupt Assad's return to the border | Analysis ■ Gaze: ISIS publishes video allegedly showing Syrian fighter plane shot down by Israel

Israel on Tuesday shot down a Syrian fighter jet that entered Israeli airspace for two kilometers. Israeli anti – aircraft defenses fired two Patriot missiles on the plane, claiming that the Russian – made Sukhoi aircraft fell into Syrian territory.

Following the incident, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described it as "a flagrant violation of the 1974 Separation of Forces Agreement with Syria," and I told reporters. reaffirmed that we would not accept any such violations. Our forces have acted appropriately and we insist that the Syrians strictly abide by the agreement on the separation of forces between us and them.
On Monday, the Israeli missile defense system David Sling was used for the first time when he fired on two Syrian ground-to-ground missiles, the army said.

In recent weeks, Israel fired Patriot missiles twice on a drone coming from Syria, the first on June 24, when a commander of the Assad regime said that the drone was in danger. mission in southern Syria.

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