Thailand promises justice to Chinese victims of the tragedy of the boat


PHUKET, Thailand (AP) – The Thai government on Sunday promised justice to the Chinese victims of an excursion boat that sank in the Phuket storm, killing 42 people and killing 14 people. Missing

Minister Weerasak Kowsurat said that the government would "spare no one" while he was seriously investigating the tragedy, one of the biggest disasters related to tourism in Thailand since the tsunami of 2004 that killed thousands of people.

The boat was inspected by navy officials as needed before setting sail on Thursday, Weerasak said. The meteorological department issued warnings that small ships would not depart at sea that day, but larger vessels like the Phoenix could sail after inspection.

The boat, with 105 people, including 93 tourists, capsized The head of the local police, Sorasak Yenprem, said that the testimony of 40 witnesses showed that the captains of the Phoenix and another boat that sank Thursday had "acted carelessly". All the passengers on the second ship were rescued

The two boat captains were indicted, but they denied the allegations, added Sorasak, adding that the investigations were ongoing.

"We will ensure that those responsible are brought to justice" The government will strengthen security regulations to prevent future accidents and intensify efforts to restore confidence in its tourism sector, "he added.

The disaster did not seem to discourage visitors, with dozens of Western and Chinese tourists being seen on boats on Sunday for diving and cruising excursions despite a warning issued by the meteorological department for small vessels do not go to sea.

Yi Mao Ling, a 63-year-old tourist from the Chinese city of Kunming, "said he was puzzled by the tragedy as he was traveling aboard A boat with his children and grandchildren for a trip on the island

"It makes me feel uncomfortable but we can leave."

Charoenpol Kumrasi, Vice Admiral of the Thai navy Landes said that more than 30 divers were involved in a Sunday operation to overthrow the Phoenix engulfed in order to recover a body trapped underneath. He said that they will need more time and equipment to lift the wreckage, which is 40 feet below the surface.

The search for the missing will also continue, he said, with divers and helicopters the site and the nearby sea. Nearly a dozen Chinese divers were taking part in the research

. French diver Laurent Couleau said that a pair of legs were seen hanging under the hull when he and other divers entered the wreckage on Saturday. He said that it was traumatic to see bodies, including those of several young children, in the booths of the boat, some wearing life jackets.

Couleau said that he had taken a dive group on the same course. He said the weather was fine in the morning and that the storm came suddenly with a very strong wind and waves that shook his boat as he returned to the pier.

A Chinese survivor recounted his ordeal on Chinese TV CGTN. The waves were really high and stormy, they were constantly hitting the boat, I was with my sister, my brother and two friends from school, all died, I feel bad, "said Huang Jun Siong . "I broke my hand, I climbed to the top of the boat, but stuff was flying everywhere, a big piece of glass hit me."

Many Chinese people offered their services at the hospital to help relatives.

"Even though we are doctors, in this situation, it gives us the impression that life is so fragile," said Fang Han Yi, a medical student from Wuhan City, China, who said: 39; is volunteered to the hospital on Saturday. in Bangkok with his two friends but said that they gave up their vacation plans and flew to Phuket to help. She said that one of the most heartbreaking scenes at the hospital on Saturday was that of four Chinese students who survived the ordeal but their friend perished.

The five, from China's Guangdong Province, have just finished high school, she said.

"Two of the boys stood so tight and cried uncontrollably," said Fang. "We cried with them."

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