The flag of Auckland Council is concerned that the Free
The Coalition of the Word is "a little" funded
The Free Speech Coalition is
calling on Auckland Mayor Phil Goff to clarify his position
on the fact that the Free Speech Coalition-led legal
challenge its decision and the Council's decision
Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern are funded by mom
and New Zealander father, after lawyers acting for Mr. Goff and
the Council reported that they might try to remove the
proceedings on the grounds that the court challenge is
"Funded Litigation" (ie, Publicly Funded)
"Courts have Rules to Disclose Certain Portions
commercial dispute financing arrangements the way they want
to find out if the prospect of profit from the funder could
an abuse of the judicial process, "said Jordan Williams, a
lawyer and one of the first members of the Coalition.
"The courts want to know if this will distort the behavior of the plaintiff
decisions, for example by preventing unreasonably
" But the New Zealand courts have never
applied this approach to a public interest litigation.
Auckland Council knows that people who go in to get
court protection for freedom of expression has no profit
pattern. None of them can benefit personally. All their
the profit is altruistic; to protect against politicians
abuse of their power and control of public property to smother
speeches that they do not want their constituents to hear. It's about
basic principle. "
" The question of financing
academically interesting, is an expensive distraction from
important issues of freedom of expression at the heart of
that case. So why are Mr. Goff and the Council launching this
like a red herring?
"Reporting a possible
challenge the way in which the applicants' case is
funded, mayor and council forced free speech
Coalition and its lawyers to divert valuable resources
solve a secondary problem. Unlike the Council, we do not have
unlimited money to spend for this dispute. "
" More than a thousand New Zealanders donated to
Free Speech Coalition to respect the Bill of Rights
Law and the fundamental right of freedom of speech. C & # 39;
scandalous that Mr Goff and the Council would even consider
trying to get the claim struck out on the grounds that it is
crowdfunded. "
" That could be just a sneaky
Legal Tactics, Designed to Increase the Costs of the Free
Speech Coalition, a play for the time, or a brain-fart that goes
nowhere. But anyway, Mr. Goff and the Council, who are
using taxpayer money to defend their decision, should do
it's clear that they're not going to try to stop taxpayers by using
their own money to get a judge to rule on their powers, so
that we can come back to focus on the real problem in this
case: may the mayor and council exercise or not
veto on freedom of speech. "
Freedom of expression
Coalition launched on July 9, 2018, in response to
Goff's decision to ban two controversial Canadian speakers
to use the sites owned by the Board and is committed to deposit
procedure if she could raise $ 50,000 at 5 pm on July 13th. he
lifted the target within 24 hours, and on July 13
the deadline had raised $ 89,000. 97 percent of the total amount
raised was donations of less than $ 300, with 0.9
percent of donations of $ 1,000 or more, the largest being
$ 5,000
With the funds, the Coalition committed the
state law firm Franks Ogilvie and Jack Hodder QC, and ranked
the procedure of 18 July.
million. Goff, who
full credit for the speaker's ban, and said on the basis of
the point of view of the speaker, now says that it was the decision
made by officials, and solely on the basis of security
"The Free Speech Coalition does not
Endorse the views of Canadian speakers, in fact many
the group finds them disgusting. But that's what standing
for freedom of expression, that's all, "Williams says.
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