The brave battle of the two-year-old girl against ovarian cancer


A brave young child is fighting for his life after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer at only 15 months old.

Harlow, California, who underwent strenuous chemotherapy, surgery and a stem cell transplant, received 50- She was diagnosed with the disease, which usually affects women over 50, in April 2016 , reports the Daily Mail.

Although now in remission, doctors fear that her aggressive cancer will come back, with her mother Bianca Langtree, 27, said: "We do not know what Harlow is waiting for, because Harlow's cancer is very, very aggressive and has a high chance of relapse. "

Despite the difficulties, Harlow's mother and father After accepting his diagnosis, they continued to share happy moments on social media, including playing in the park and dancing around the show.

They talk to encourage other parents in similar situations to stay positive. 19659002] Ms. Lan Gtree added, "Never give up hope, never give up."

"I had the impression that someone hit me

Harlow's parents noticed that something was wrong when the boy's appetite decreased, she vomited regularly and became more sticky than usual. thought to have caught an insect or ear infection, but she worried when the doctors referred her to the County Children 's Hospital. Orange (SHOCK).

An X-ray revealed that Harlow had a tumor requiring major surgery, and Ms. Langtree, who was four months pregnant with her youngest daughter, Sienna, said: "When you hear a doctor you say your child has a 50-50 The chance to survive and teach your daughter that she would undergo very high chemotherapy Its rigorous and intense was scary.

"We started noticing that things were not good in April 2016. Harlow was not herself.

she pediatrician the next day and tha C is when he sent us to SHOCK.

"When they showed us the x-ray of his tumor in his little body, I wanted to throw up, I had the impression that someone was punching me in the room. until I can not breathe.

She added, "We stayed strong for the first eight-day hospitalization, Harlow underwent major surgery, removing his tumor from his left ovary, so this was also removed.

"They also released his appendix as a precautionary measure. Harlow also had two other procedures for placing peripherally inserted central catheter (CCIP) in his arm to facilitate access to medication.

  Harlow is presented to the hospital for his third cycle of chemotherapy Photo / australscope
Harlow Arrival at the hospital for his third cycle of chemo Photo / australscope

" How can such a precious baby be so sick? "

Ms. Langtree stated, "We waited for Harlow's first series of chemotherapy news to people other than immediate family and friends."

"Once the initial shock was over, it was easier to respond to all the questions we knew we were going to ask. what to say or do, then they say nothing, it is very insulating.

"A close friend of mine at the time (more because of this comment) texted me and asked," Will she do it? & # 39; What kind of friend even asks questions? It was horrible, and it hurt.

"When Harlow had just finished his treatment and had no hair, we often have people saying 'you have such a cute boy'. or "look like it's cute".

She added, "I know that they were not mean in any way or any other way. but it's just sad that she does not have long hair like a normal two-year-old should do. "

" You could say it hurt them at the # 39; ease. we often found that people could not turn away or avoid looking in our direction when they were in public. Fortunately, Harlow was too young to see it.

Despite their difficulties in accepting their daughter's diagnosis, Harlow's parents managed to stay strong when she was with her.

Ms. Langtree said: cried after we left Harlow in the operating room to remove her tumor. I had kept my emotions for so long, for fear of scaring Harlow more than she had already been.

"Whenever a nurse approached her, she was crying." Mark and I shared our first cry the night we returned after his surgery.

"We cried while watching her on the video monitor in her room.I remember we shared" how can such a precious baby be so sick? "," It's so unfair "and" I wish it were me and not her. "

" We try to make her smile every day. "19659009] Despite the shock of her diagnosis, the couple decided to share every happy moment with Harlow on social media

Ms. Langtree said, "We wanted to share his highs and lows with everyone who wanted to follow his journey. It's become very therapeutic in making his Harlow the Brave page. It was a necessary distraction while everything was going on around us.

"I spend my good and bad days The best days are those that I do not even think about the past and I can just focus on the present

" That's why they did a cell transplant strains and erased his whole body to give him a new life with new healthy cells. "

"I'm sure my husband and I are suffering from some form of cancer."

"Now that Harlow's accounts are normal, we can do things that make her happy." She likes to ride the carousel at the local zoo or taking walks in the park

She added: "She loves to dance and sing Every afternoon before dinner, we have a" dance party "in our living room.

"It's the simple things we missed the most during her treatment, so we try to do something to make her smile every day."

"Harlow still has a long way to go" [19659007] Speaking of her daughter's future, Ms. Langtree said, "Harlow still has a long way to go from her, she is only in her first year of remission." So she still has visits clinics every six to eight weeks for blood tests to check his tumor markers. "

His message to other parents is:" As a parent, you need to stay strong for your child. "I can cry from time to time in time

"Even when you are at the heart of it all, remember your child's bravery and strength, you must fight for them just as they fight for themselves. their lawyer. Be their strength. Show them more love than you thought humanly possible. Never lose sight of those you love and get help if it is available. "

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