The first color X-rays deliver incredibly clear images for more accurate diagnoses, say the researchers


New Zealand scientists recently made the first-ever 3D color X-ray on a human being

. Developed by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, the new device functions as a camera, collecting individual subatomic particles when they quickly collide with pixels when its shutter is opened , reports Agence France Press.

This allows you to quickly produce high-contrast, high-resolution images.

This device, dubbed "Medipix", incorporates the particle tracking technology developed for CERN's Large Hadron Collider, which in 2012 discovered the Higgs Boson particle

"This technique of imaging by Color X-rays could produce clearer and more accurate images. "read a CERN statement.

The "Medipix" is unique because it has the ability to show practitioners the difference between bone, muscle and cartilage in real time. With this advanced degree of technology, doctors can examine the exact positioning and size of cancerous tumors, which will help improve the quality of the physical operation as we know it.

This technology is now marketed by the New Zealand company MARS Bioimaging Ltd, which is linked to two universities that have contributed to its development: Otago and Canterbury.

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