The mother's lifestyle can influence the risk of obesity in children


The researchers found that children whose mothers observe healthy habits have a lower risk of obesity. What are the lifestyle habits of women who are strongly associated with childhood obesity? ( Luis Silva )

The habits of a mother can contribute to the risk of obesity of her children, revealed the results of a new study published in the British Medical Journal . Healthy Habits

The results of the study showed that children whose mothers eat healthy, exercise regularly, have a healthy weight, drink alcohol in moderation and do not smoke. not are less likely to become obese.

Children of mothers who follow these healthy habits are 75% less likely to have weight problems than children who do not observe any of these habits.

Research also found that when the mother and the child adhere to these five healthy habits, the risk of obesity was 82 percent lower than that of the mother and children who were born. did not have these habits.

Qi Sun, a researcher at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health study, and his colleagues examined data from 24,289 children born to 16,945 women. During the five-year follow-up period, 1,282 children, or 5.3% of them, became obese.

The mother's lifestyle habits are closely related to childhood obesity

and smoking was closely related to obesity in children and adolescents. The researchers also found that the biggest drop in the risk of obesity affects mothers and children with healthy lifestyles.

Children whose mother had a body mass index between 18.5 and 24.9 had a 56% lower risk of obesity. do not maintain a healthy weight Those whose mothers did not smoke also had a 31% reduced risk of obesity compared to the children of female smokers.

Sun and his colleagues also found a lower incidence of obesity in children whose mothers consumed little or moderately. alcohol than the children of the deceased mothers. As some of the mothers in the study were considered heavy drinkers, the researchers were not able to establish a link between alcoholism and obesity in children.

The researchers also found that the mother's eating habits were not related to obesity. perhaps because many factors influence children's diets, such as school meals and food available in the neighborhood.

"Observance of a healthy lifestyle among mothers during their childhood and adolescence is associated with a significantly reduced risk of obesity" These results highlight the potential benefits of implementing multifactorial family or parental interventions to reduce the risk of obesity in children. "

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