The operation to save 12 boys and a football coach trapped in a Thai cave "will probably take months"


Hungry and terrified while they sat together in the dark, 12 Thai schoolboys and their coach had not seen the outside world or another human being in 10 days.

And, as amazing images, shared by the Thai Navy a Thamg Luang cave flooded to save the children, showed the incredible moment they were found safe and well, there were celebrations of their families.

However, it is far from over for young boys. In fact, an Australian expert in cave diving has warned that they could be trapped inside the cave for months.

  Authorities warned that boys were not out of danger yet. Photo / Provided
Authorities warned that the boys were not yet out of danger. Photo / Provided

The Navy brought four months of food for the operation and the Navy gives the boys a dive training to evacuate the group from the complex underground system.

Peter Wolf, the National Director of the Cave The Divers Association of Australia told the Guardian that the boys could not get out of the cave anytime they would be unable to swim.

"The length of the cave and the conditions in which they dive mean that there is probably" But the troglodyte divers that they have there are some of the most experienced in the world, especially in search and rescue operations. "

The Thai Army Chief says that boys must learn to dive, otherwise they may wait months for the waters to retreat.

Boys aged 11 to 16 were discovered with their 25-year-old coach late Monday, thin but alive rake, snuggling on a ledge at the bottom of a flooded cave nine days after being trapped in a black cave surrounded by floods.

Food and essential medical supplies – including high-calorie freezes and paracetamol – reached on Tuesday, as rescuers prepare for the possibility that they will be there for some time.

"(We will) prepare ourselves to send extra food for at least four months and train the 13 to dive while continuing to drain the water" Navy Captain Anand Surawan said, according to a statement from the Thai Armed Forces.

The miracle rescue sparked jubilation across the country after a grueling operation assaulted by heavy showers and rapid floods. "Mission impossible because it rained every day … but with our determination and our equipment, we fought the nature, "said Tuesday the governor of Chiang Rai, Narongsak Osottanakorn

  A happy family member shows the latest pictures of the missing boys taken by rescue divers inside of the cave of Tham Luang. Photo / AP
A happy family member shows the latest pictures of missing boys taken by rescue divers inside Tham Luang Cave. Photo / AP

"The doctor advised us to provide several types of drugs to prevent infections and other diseases," adding that the doctors had reached the young footballers

. showing emaciated and huddled on a mud mound deep inside the cave.

Contemplating their rescuers while a white torch was shining on their faces, one of the divers begs the group to remain calm.

He reassures them. many, many people are coming … we are first. "

Sitting in their baggy football kits on a bank with their legs bent in front of them, the trapped children did not know what day it was nor how long they were missing.

" What a day is he? "asks one of the boys." What day are you coming to help me? "

" Monday, a week and Monday, "says one of them. behind the camera. "You have been here for 10 days, you are very strong, very strong."

"Seals will come tomorrow with food, a doctor and everything. Today you have a light? We will give you more lights. "

One of the boys, noticing the camera and hearing words that they do not understand immediately, says in Thai:" Oh, they want to take a picture; tell him we are hungry. I did not eat anything. "

  In this photo distributed by the rescue operations center of Tham Luang, Thai rescue teams walk inside a complex of caves where 12 boys and their football coach Missing from the center of Tham Luang rescue operations, Thai rescue teams walk inside a cave complex where 12 boys and their football coach are missing Photo / AP </span>  </figcaption></figure>
<div class=
  Photo / AP
Photo of file published by the National Parks and Wildlife Department of Thailand, rescue personnel search alternate entrances to cave Photo / AP

Then boy breaks into simple English, saying "Eat, eat, eat," what another voice responds in Thai that he has already said that to the rescuer

It was the happy ending of 39, a desperate search that has went international aid and captivated the nation

. The missing members hugged each other as they cheered the news.

Aisha Wiboonrungrueng, the 11-year-old mother of Chanin Wiboonrungrueng, smiled and hugged her family as news of their discovery spread

her son a Thai fried omelette, his favorite food, when he comes home. Rescuers spent a good part of the day on Monday preparing for a final attempt to find lost football players, aged 11 to 16, and their 25-year-old coach

  Authorities warned that boys were not yet out of danger. Photo / Fourni
Authorities warned that the boys were not yet out of danger. Photo / Delivered

They disappeared when the floods trapped them after entering Tham Luang Nang Cave in Chiang Rai on June 23rd.

million. Narongsak said the divers located the missing about 300-400 meters away from a section of the cave. was on the heights and thought to be where the team members and their coach may have been sheltered.

"When doctors evaluated children to see if their health is healthy, we will take care of them until they have" Thai soldiers looking for missing children and their trainer leaves the cave of Tham Luang Nang at Mae Sai, Chiang Rai Province Photo / AP "src =" data: image / png; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAPAAAOrq6v /// yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw == "data-srcset =" //×212/smart/filters:quality(70)/ 320w, // www / resizer / CtovgPwebq-kbpD7pU8DE3z6aa4 = / 375×249 / smart / filters: quality (70) / 375w, //×412/smart/filters:quality(70)/ 620w "/> [19659038] Some Thai soldiers in search of missing children and their trainer leave Tham Luang Nang Cave in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai Province. Photo / AP

Anmar Mirza, a prominent US underground rescue expert, said many challenges remain for rescuers. He said the main decision is to know whether to try to evacuate the boys and their coach or provide them on the spot.

"Stocking them on the spot can be difficult depending on the difficulty of the dives," Mirza, coordinator of the US National Cave Rescue Commission, said in an e-mail. "Trying to take non-divers to a cave is one of the most dangerous situations possible, even if the dives are relatively easy." 19659002 "This also begs the question: if the dives are difficult, the supply will be difficult, but"

Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha thanked the international experts and rescuers who helped find the missing for their "tremendous efforts."

"The Royal Thai Government and the Thais are grateful for this support and cooperation, and we all wish the team a speedy recovery," said the office. Prayuth in a statement

. a narrow passage early Monday after crossing a key room on Sunday whose high troubled waters had previously blocked their progress.

million. Narongsak had said earlier that the passage was going up in some places and was descending in others

Divers were repeatedly blocked by the rising water that forced them to withdraw for reasons of security.

When the water levels fell on Sunday, the divers went from the front. with a more methodical approach, deploying a line of rope and additional oxygen reserves along the way.

The SEAL Facebook page indicates that since Sunday night, divers have reached a bend where the passage of several kilometers divides in two directions. 19659002] The divers were targeting a sandy chamber on a higher ground in the cave. Narongsak explained early Monday that fixing rope lines and deploying oxygen tanks along their route will allow the divers to operate.

In addition to the divers, the teams worked to pump underground water. Other efforts have focused on finding mountain-side wells that could be used as a back door to blocked areas. The teams passed the side of the mountain looking for cracks that could lead to such wells. Several were found and the explorers were able to get off.

Rescue experts in caves from around the world gathered at the site. An official Australian group followed a US military team, British cave experts, Chinese rescue workers and several other volunteer groups from different countries

"These are difficult conditions and there is a lot of consideration for safety. to the indoor environment, "said US Air Force captain Jessica Tait, who is part of a 30-member US military team assisting in research, referring to the rain that flooded the cave. "So, I would say, yes, it's an accurate statement that it's difficult."

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