The order of the hamburgers is found in the menu of Better Burger


  Simon Holbrook says he finds it amusing that his order without a bun has become a secret menu item.

Better Burger

Simon Holbrook says that he thinks it's funny that his order without a bun has become a secret menu item.

Simon Holbrook says that he was surprised and a little embarrassed when a burgers chain named him a burger after him.

a fairly discreet person, I just find that everything is funny to be honest, "he says.

This is a secret menu item, so you must be aware to know about ordering. [19659009] The Simon burger – five patties, five slices of cheese, sauce and pickles. ” title=”” src=”×349.1qopf4.png/1531127248944.jpg” class=”photoborder”/>

Better Burger

The Simon burger – five patties, five slices of cheese, sauce and pickles.

If d & rsquo; other people really want a burger Simon could be another case

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This is a strange beast – five meat patties and five slices of cheese, sauce and pickles.No bun.It costs $ 12.

Holbrook is on a ketogenic diet that focuses heavily on meat and fat and limits car hydrates

"I would order two double hamburgers wrapped in lettuce, so I would say I do not really want lettuce, just meat and it grew from there," he says.

Five meat patties seem to be the ideal point. He tried seven, but it went too far.

The staff started calling his five Le Simon patties and he ended up becoming a secret menu hamburger.

Another secret is that it comes with sauce and pickles. "I do not have the heart to tell them, I just gobbled up the cakes and the rest finds its way back into the ecosystem."

"Maybe they are worried."

This week's fun snowballs, because Auckland's Better Burger chain is distributing free cheese burgers to people who have "Simon" some shares in their name on an identity card. [19659023] – Tips and Tricks

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