The toilets that can test for drugs, pregnancy and depression


Scientists develop a tool to diagnose illness at home – on the toilet.

He could also tell if you are pregnant or depressed, and help parents detect if their kids are using drugs.

According to researcher from the University of Cambridge, Giuliano de Martino, "the toilets could provide a window into the body".

"Would not it be nice if moms can detect if their sons are taking drugs or giving them access to your everyday health data? "

Once you blush, an indoor sensor can detect levels of sugar or alcohol and drugs in the urine.

The toilets use nanotechnology to trap and analyze markers, and the results can be sent directly to your smartphone or to a health professional.

All this was explained by researchers at the University of Cambridge – using tennis balls

your patient Imagine the possibilities: an entire block of smart toilets could be installed at all Olympics – beware of Russia.

However, this is only the version number – a – and scientists say that number two could be in 20 years.


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