The Trapped Boys and Their Coach Receive an Intensive Dive Course


A football team of 12 Thai boys and their 25-year-old coach trapped in a cave complex receive diving lessons rudimentary on Wednesday

The 11-day tragedy ravaged the country and much of the outside world after young footballers, aged 11 to 16, disappeared by exploring the vast complex of Tham Luang Cave. They were then trapped by rising floodwaters.

The divers eventually found them nestled on a piece of dry land in a room, but getting them out is a dilemma. The 4-kilometer journey through winding and flooded passages is only something for the most experienced divers.

  Rescuers prepare small diving masks for delivery to the 12 boys and their football coach


Small diving masks are to be given to the 12 boys and their football coach.

The Thai authorities also hope to remove enough water, so that boys might escape on foot. After pumping 120 million liters, water levels have already dropped 30 to 40 percent in an unusually sunny sky, it is said Wednesday.

* A Risky Rescue, Months Under Ground
* The Effects of Being Trapped in the Dark for Days
* Getting Thai Boys
* Thai Cave: Found is not registered
* Divers with additional supplies advance in the passage of Thai caves
* Full coverage of the rescue of Thai caves

If the boys can be trained and the water is sufficiently reduced, an extraction could take place in a few days, they add

  in this July 3, 2018, image taken from the video Seal of the Thai navy, the Thai boys are with Navy SEAL inside the cave.


In this photo of July 3, 2018 taken from the video provided by the Thai Navy Seal, Thai boys are with Navy SEAL inside the cave. 19659009] At the emergency site on Wednesday afternoon, Thai soldiers carried out their first evacuation drilling the locking arms by forming a column from the entrance of the cave to a field, where 13 ambulances were waiting to bring the group to the hospital.

The exercise simulated what a rescue would look like and how the boys would be transported More rain is forecast for the weekend, however, and the monsoon season in Thailand will extend to In September, which will lead some officials to predict that it may be months before the boys run away

. ] The videos released Wednesday by the Thai Navy, which oversees the effort, show the boys in a good mood, posing on camera, palms tight in the traditional greeting.

Another video shows a Thai doctor, who spent the night with them in the cave, taking care of their cuts and bruises and joking with the boys, many of whom appeared to have new clothes and were wrapped in paper blankets. # 39; aluminum.

The Thai authorities have pointed out that they would not endanger the lives of boys during extraction and would only do so when they would be "100% safe."

  Rescuers prepare diving masks for delivery to boys and their trainers. ] GETTY IMAGES </span>
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Rescuers prepare diving masks to deliver to the boys and their trainers in the cave.

"The water is very strong and the space is narrow.According to Reuters," we must now teach children to swim and dive. "

After days of lonely, the boys now receive a string of visitors, including rescue divers and health care professionals, and they are fed liquid, high-protein food.

Divers also try to string a cable Fiber optics in caves to give them contact with the outside world and their families

  Hundreds of lifeguards and equipment continue to be sent to the interior of Tham Luang Nang cave. [19659025] GETTY IMAGES </span>
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Hundreds of rescuers and equipment continue to be sent to Tham Luang Nang cave.

First found by a pair of British divers who described a round trip of three hours They narrow inundated with water while trying to fight a strong current – indicating the magnitude of the challenge of bringing them out the same ro

The attention of the world has been riveted to their story, which echoes the story of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped for 69 days nearly half a mile below the surface in 2010. The engineers finally drilled a vertical hole to reach their room, and all the miners were shot to the surface one by one.

The complexity of the Thai cave in the northern province of Chiang Rai with its nest of bees rooms and passages, however, made a hole as an escape route

"They should not not be ashamed of being scared, "told the Associated Press Omar Reygadas, one of the Chilean miners trapped. He attributed the survival of his comrades to faith, prayer and humor. "Because we were also scared, our tears were flowing too, even as grown men we were crying."

– The Washington Post

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