The Trump administration says that 57 young children have been reunited with their parents | American News


The Trump administration said that all eligible young children separated from their families as a result of its "zero tolerance" immigration policy have now been reunited with their parents.

But nearly half of the 103 children they are separated from their families for reasons of safety, expulsion from their parents and other problems, said the administration.

"Although most adults we meet are parents perfectly at their service, unfortunately," The administration was under a mandate to reunite separated families between early May and June 20, when Donald Trump signed a decree that ended its family separation policy.The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued on behalf of a woman who had been separated from her child, and the judge US District Court Judge Dana Sabraw ordered all children to be reunited with their parents

"Throughout the reunification process, our goal has been the well-being of children and putting them back into a safe environment," according to a statement from the heads of the three camps responsible for the process

Sabraw's deadline for reunification had already come on Tuesday evening In a response on Thursday morning, Lee Gelernt, the deputy project director the rights of immigrants from the ACLU said: "If in fact 57 children were reunited because of the trial, we could not be happier for these families. But make no mistake: the government missed the deadline even for these 57 children. "

The officials said that 46 of the children were not eligible to be reunited with their parents, a dozen parents have already been deported and contacted by the administration. from the US Commissioners' Service for Other Offenses One of the children found to be ineligible was identified on Tuesday as possibly a US citizen, with their parent whom the officials were unable to locate for more than a year Officials refused to provide more information on this case on Thursday.

In 22 other cases, adults raised security concerns, they said. "Officials said 11 adults had criminal histories. serious, including cruelty to children, murder or human smuggling. "Seven were not determined to be a parent, one had a fake birth certificate, one would have abused her Another project was to house the child with an adult accused of sexually abusing a child

. The zero tolerance policy requires the criminal prosecution of any person caught crossing the border illegally. Because parents can not take their children to prison, they have been separated. The movement provoked an international outcry. At least 2,300 children were separated from approximately 2,200 adults until the signing of the decree.

Part of the question, officials said, is that the systems were not set up to reunite parents with their children; they were set up to handle tens of thousands of miners illegally crossing the border without a family. Health and Human Services manages their care, the United States. The Department of Justice manages the immigration courts.

Earlier this week, government attorneys told Sabraw that the Trump administration would not meet the deadline set for about 20 children under the age of five. to find relatives who have been deported or released to the United States.

Sabraw indicated that more time would be granted only in specific cases where the government had good reason to delay the operation

. parents with serious criminal history, five adults whose DNA tests showed that they were not the parents of the children they claimed to have, and one case of abuse credible children.

The administration is facing a second deadline on July 26 more than 2,000 older children with their families. Immigration lawyers say they see barriers to these clusters due to the backlog in fingerprint processing of parents and families unable to pay for the plane ticket to steal their tickets. Child, which could reach $ 1,000.

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