The two-month trip ends for Tasman kayaker


After two months alone at sea, there are two things Scott Donaldson looks forward to: a shower and time with the family.

The 48 year old became the first kayak to over 2000 km from Australia.

He left Coffs Harbor in New South Wales on May 2nd and set foot on New Zealand soil on Monday night, guided by lights and greeted by an enthusiastic crowd.

The wife Sarah and her son Zac ran the water to New Plymouth for a hug before Donaldson was carried through the whistling spectators.

"I need a shower," the Kiwi shipper said at the rally after taking a breather.

For eight weeks, Donaldson paddled up to 16 hours and a few days, repelling six-meter swells and sharks attacking his rudder.

"One day worse, you step back," he told reporters on Monday.

The attempt was not Donaldson's first

] In 2014, he came painfully close. More than 80 days after his departure and only 80 km from the land, he had to leave his ship, beaten by a storm that occurred only once in a generation

"On the basis of the last time we all know what can happen, think about it until I'm at the beach, so he has not come back yet, "he replied when asked. he was asked his success on Monday.

"The last time was an adventure, this time was a race. "

Donaldson moved to Coffs Harbor four years ago to prepare for the first attempt and his wife Sarah spoke of nine years of emotional and financial investment that was dedicated to this venture

. the next project, he told the media.

A victim of asthma, Donaldson used travel as a way to raise funds for asthma research

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