Theresa May faces the threat of a leadership challenge as furious conservative Brexiters oppose the Brexit Checkers plan


Theresa May will address her MPs today facing the threat of a leadership challenge, after Eurosceptic Tory conservatives opposed the government's Brexit strategy.

The plan, approved by the ministers after 12 hours of a violent reaction among Brexite MPs, claiming that it keeps Britain too close to the EU and is "extremely detrimental" to the reputation of the Prime Minister and his party.

Conservative MPs began broadcasting a draft letter accusing Ms. May of "complete surrender" and saying "the time has come for a new leader"

Some Conservative MPs said The Independent that they believed that there could be enough unhappy MPs ready to start a leadership contest in an attempt to remove Ms. May.

But even if the 48 needed to oust Ms. May materialized, a survey for The Independent showed that a majority of the population would expect a general election to be triggered if Ms. May goes away

. Work suggesting that he would not support the government's plan, speculation mounted on the prime minister's ability to get parliament to approve the final deal that she is negotiating with Brussels.

Prime Minister should face a violent reaction his party at a meeting of the Committee of Conservative MPs of 1922 Monday night

The plan would see the UK effectively stay in the single market for goods, giving the European Court of Justice a right of review of the British rules. This is anathema to many Brexit members, who believe that Ms. May has broken her promise to completely remove the UK from the single market.

They are also concerned that ministers are considering giving EU citizens preferential rights. While Eurosceptic Conservatives were lining up to condemn the plan, rumors had it that many would be willing to write to Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 committee, asking for a leadership election. According to the rules of the Conservative Party, 48 letters are required to trigger a contest

A eurosceptic MEP said The Independent they beli "The disappointment is so great that there could be enough letters," said the MP. "There is a lot of worry and disappointment on the back seats."

And Sir Bill Cash, a senior Brexite official, warned Ms. May that it would not be difficult to trigger a leadership race. He told Sky News: "If people decided to put these letters, it would only take 48."

It is believed that government whips telephoned Conservative MPs over the weekend for their talk, but some they are so angry that they do not even want to engage in the discussion.

However, other Tories rejected the Brexiters' threats, saying that they had threatened to overthrow Ms. May on previous occasions.

One member said: These are all bullshit. It's crap. Nothing will happen. Nothing has changed. These are all bullets. What they will do, is what the group is always doing, which is threatening. I do not think their threats are valid but some people will be frightened by that and that will have an impact.

Deputies have said that much will depend on what Jacob Rees-Mogg, leader of the European Research Group of Eurosceptic Conservatives,

The Brexite leader criticized Checkers' plan but said that he would wait for further details, which should be published in a government white paper this week, before deciding what steps to take

., a deputy said: "Nobody takes these people seriously. What will be a pretty important figure is Jacob because people take Jacob very seriously.

"If Jacob decided to say, for example, that he was withdrawing his support for the Prime Minister, it would be an important political moment. 19659002] Ignoring her criticisms, Ms. May rejected the discussion of a leadership challenge.

She Said The Sunday Times : "The only challenge that needs to be done now is for the European Union to take seriously"

And some conservatives have suggested that even There had to be a leadership challenge, Ms. May could get up again and win – maybe without someone else raising her hat in the hat. , the prime minister is the prime minister and the leader of the party because there is no one else who, according to people, would be better at this job.

Brexit speaks about main problems that the United Kingdom faces when leaving the EU

Another non-supporter of Ms. May: I think because they've linked the cabinet to the deal, there will be no challengers and the Prime Minister will continue .

"At present, most potential leadership candidates are linked. It has reduced the credibility Andrew Bridgen, one of the most outspoken critics of the Checkers Accord agreement, claimed that some Brexit officials are reluctant to express themselves because they think that the EU will reject the government's plan, which means that it is unlikely to become a reality.

"Some very high-level eurosceptic colleagues think that everything is fine – we will not have to get angry because the EU will not accept it," he said. declared. "I would not want to rely on that."

He also predicted that Checkers' plan would be "extremely damaging" for Ms. May and the Conservative Party, saying, "We've already seen a drop in polls right now and I think it's going to be a lot worse." 19659157] "This will be extremely detrimental to the votes of the government and this will seriously undermine the prestige and reputation of the Prime Minister. I hope we will withdraw from the abyss. "

He added," I think we went wrong in the country. "

Asked what action he was planning to take, Mr. Bridgen replied," I will give the Prime Minister the benefit of hearing what she has to say to 1922 [Committee] and after that I will take whatever steps I deem appropriate. "

Pressure on Ms. May Increased As Labor has suggested that it would not support an agreement on Brexit based on the current strategy of the government: if enough conservative Brexitors revolt, it could make it difficult for the prime minister to obtain the support of the deputies for the agreement that it negotiates with Brussels

Sir Keir Starmer, Secretary of Shadow Brexit, BBC Andrew Marr Show : "She did not respond to our requests. We have been clear about the fact that you need a complete customs union and that you need a single market with shared institutions and shared regulations.

"She came with a fudge to the customs, it's a fudge and it's going to be undone, she'll have to think again."

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