Theresa May is launching a final campaign before the holidays to put her Checkers plan back on track, as one of her former ministers said that the EU's attitude was threatening that the UK would Uni has the choice between a departure or a final surrender. A day after Michel Barnier appeared to scuttle a key element of the Prime Minister's proposal by stating that the UK could not collect European tariffs under a future customs arrangement, May was in Austria for talks with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz . 19659002] She was also scheduled to meet Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, and attend a music festival in Salzburg as Kurz's guest.
May seems to want to explore whether the Austrian and Czech governments, both of which had divergences with Brussels could be more nuanced than those of Barnier, the chief negotiator of the EU
at the time. a press conference on Thursday alongside the new Brexit secretary, Barnier dismissed the basis of the May plan for ease. The EU "can not and will not delegate the application of its customs policy and rules, VAT and collection of rights to a non-member who is not subject to governance structures from the EU ".
the former Brexit Minister made his voice heard on the back benches of conservatives, claiming that the EU seemed to want to push Britain into an agreement involving membership in the country. 39; European Economic Area (EEA) and the Customs Union
. the beginning of the EU pushing the UK to the unacceptable combination of membership in the EEA and the customs union, "said Mr Baker." On this road, we will finally reach a fork between final capitulation or exit without agreement. "
He was, he added," much better to find the political and administrative will to solve the problems of the British border with the United States. " After the talks, after which the month of May will begin her holidays in Italy and Switzerland with a brief return to London, she will assess whether EU member states could push Barnier But at the press conference of Friday, Barnier warned against this: "Anyone who wants to find a difference between my term and what heads of government say they want to waste their time"
He was supported by the Czech Minister of Europe, Aleš Chmelař, who said Friday that & # 3 9, there was a fundamental problem in the May customs plan, in which the United Kingdom and the EU would collect different tariffs. [19659] "There is a clear problem with the fact that the EU has a mechanism for border control and that it would be delegated without any European control to a country that would make Great Britain difficult after March," he said to the BBC The Tariff of Radio4
"So that is the key principle. broader general … it is almost physically impossible to have, at the same time, full regulatory autonomy on one side and full access to the market. "
May also face pressure on possible delays Brexit to find more time to find a solution
Liam Fox, the Secretary of International Trade, told Business Insider that voters would see such a move as "a complete betrayal of the political class, and I think that they would be right. "
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