Toronto police looks into a shooter's life during a mass shot


TORONTO (AP) – Investigators dig the lives of a 29-year-old man who tries to explain what prompted him to shoot a handgun at restaurants and cafes in a busy Toronto neighborhood, killing a 10-year-old girl and an 18-year-old woman and wounding 13 others.

Faisal Hussain's family, dead during a shootout with the police, said Monday that he had long suffered from psychosis and depression, but they never had imagined his destiny. It was not immediately clear whether he took his own life or was killed by police during the rampage Sunday night.

Mass shooting in the Greektown neighborhood arrived just three months after a man used a van on sidewalks in another Toronto district, killing 10 people and injuring 14 in an attack apparently targeting the women.

A statement from Hussain's relatives indicated that he had "serious mental health problems" for life. They said that the drugs did not help and that the interventions of the professionals failed.

"While we were doing our best to ask for help throughout his life, we could never imagine that it would be his devastating and destructive end." Says the family

" Our hearts are in pieces for the victims and for our city while we are all facing this terrible tragedy and we will cry for those who have been lost for the rest of our lives. "[19659002TheinvestigatorsaresearchingtheapartmentforweakerlivinginEastHussainwithherparentsandsiblingsonThorncliffeParkDriveat'

Mark Saunders said he would not speculate on a mobile.

"We do not know why this has already happened," he said. will take time. "

Reese Fallon, a recent high school graduate who volunteered for the Liberal Party of Canada, was scheduled to enroll at McMaster University in the fall. family said in a statement that they were devastated.

"She was … smart, passionate, and full of energy, it's a huge loss," said Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, a member of Parliament who knew Fallon

. The flags of Toronto City Hall and the former Fallon High School, Malvern CI, were lowered to half the staff.

"An engaging student, Reese Fallon graduated from Malvern CI last month and was highly regarded by the staff. "The 13 injured were between the ages of 10 and 59 and suffered injuries ranging from serious to minor," Saunders said. Authorities did not identify the 10-year-old child who was killed or named one of the wounded, including six women and girls and seven men.

Najma Ahmed, of St. Michael's Hospital, said that five patients had been admitted in a serious or critical condition and that three of them had undergone an immediate rescue operation .

A video taken by a witness shows a man dressed all in black who is coming down quickly on a sidewalk. three shots in at least one store or restaurant in Greektown, a multi-million dollar residential area full of restaurants and cafes.

Witnesses heard many shots and described gunmen walking around restaurants, cafes and patios. On both sides of the street

At the corner of Danforth and Logan, where a few shots were fired, about fifty people hailed on a small square on Monday night, speaking several languages. They expressed their shock during a shootout in such a neighborhood, which is embellished with parks, pretty two-story brick houses and cafes in the streets.

Some hugged, others cried. Others were dark, wondering at once why someone would want to hurt people in their neighborhood – and how he got a weapon in a country with tougher weapons laws than at the same time. United States.

Bouquets of flowers near a plaque commemorating the city. A few steps away, people have signed a commemorative monument made of plywood: "we are Danforth forts", a reference to the main street of the district

"I no longer agree to think about it: it is Toronto. said Augustino Speciale, who stopped to feel a bunch of white lilies attached to a lamppost.

The Ontario police watchdog stated that there had been an exchange of fire between the attacker and two officers in an adjacent street. ] Jody Steinhauer celebrated her birthday with her family at Christina's restaurant when they heard 10 to 15 shots. They ran to the back of the restaurant and hid under a table.

"We heard a woman shout," Help! My partner left the restaurant and the woman was there, she was shot and wounded, "she said.

Her boyfriend and a doctor who was in the restaurant took care of the injured woman on the thigh "She screamed, screamed and was shocked, no one was accompanying her, which was scary," says Steinhauer

Although mass shootings are rare in Canada's largest city, Toronto police have deployed dozens of additional officers over the weekend to deal with a recent increase in gun violence in the city, which has seen 23 firearm homicides up to now this year, compared to 16 deadly murders in the first half of 2017.

Toronto has long been considered one of the safest

"We were so used to living in a city where these things did not happen and as we saw them go away In the world around us (we) thought that they could not get here, "Mayor John Tory said. "It's an attack on innocent families and our entire city."


Associate Press reporter Jennifer Peltz in New York contributed to this report.

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