Trump Administration Tries to Ease Republican Worries About Trade Fights


WASHINGTON-The Trump administration on Thursday tout voyage des trus President Trump flew to the agricultural and industrial Midwest Thursday to highlight what he said are the successions of his hardball trade tactics, such as reopened steel tariffs and European pledges to buy crops in China, part of an agreement reached On Wednesday with European Commission President Jean – Claude Juncker

Mr. Trump's assists said his threats were also starting to show results in the form of newly active negotiations from North America to Asia to Africa. They say that they have the prospect of new trade gains in the marketplace.

"This is a real vindication that the president is trade policy is starting to work, "Commerce Secretary

      Wilbur Ross

       told reporters as he traveled with Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump, he said, "But to get there, we have to take a step forward."

Back in Washington, Trump advisers got an earful of angry lawmakers on Capitol Hill, who blasted the administration's approach, criticized the Europe pact as weak, asked for more relief for ailing constituents and pledged to ramp up Mr. Trump's hands in shaping trade policy going forward.

"There was a lot of pushback on the strategy," said Rep. Andy Barr (R., Ky.), Following a closed meeting between House Republicans and two administration officials-Lawrence Kudlow, head of the National Economic Council, and

      Peter Navarro,

       a White House trade adviser. Mr. Barr is one of 24 GOP representatives whose re-election this November is rated by the Cook Political Report, and he complained that the leaders in his district were being hurt by European retaliation for U.S. steel tariffs. "

With Republicans growing more concerned about losing control of the House of this fall, fears aggravated by polls showing the unpopularity of Trump trade policies, Rep. Bill Huizenga (R., Mich.) Read aloud to the White House advisers, a text from a tool-and-die maker in his district. "I was making sure that they heard that this is not just uncomfortable-it's painful and it's damaging," Mr. Huizenga later told reporters. He said that he is one of those countries, who are getting paid by the retaliatory tariffs, "We're getting into western Michigan."

Many of the lawmakers said the GOP-led Congress should keep alive the Mr. Trump's ability to impose tariffs on the table, even after the apparent thaw in relations between the US and EU. Senate Finance Committee Chairman

      Orrin Hatch

       (R., Utah) indicated that he was not ready to drop his flag to such a measure, which he said on his panel, saying, "We're still going with that."

In Mr. Trump and Mr. Juncker agreed to launch the United States of America, Mr. Trump and Mr. Juncker agreed that they would seek to remove tariffs, non-tariff barriers and subsidies on industrial goods, and would suspend Mr. Trump's threat of self-sufficiency. . (19659003) As part of their campaign to reassure anxious, they did not give a timetable for doing so. lawmakers, Trump officials said they were moving to the European market. U.S. Trade Representative

      Robert Lighthizer

       "We are close to beginning negotiations with a number of countries, citing the Philippines and sub-Saharan Africa as specific prospects."

He said he was also optimistic about striking a deal to modernize North American Free Trade Agreements with Mexico and Canada, and follow-up to the Mexican counterpart to accelerate the process. "Mr. Lighthizer said."

While the Trump team is in a rush to show progress in improving relations with a roster of trading partners They said they did not anticipate any quick fixes in their expanding battle with China. In fact, they suggest their motivation to compete in their standoff with Beijing.

"China is going to be a longer-term problem," Mr. Lighthizer told lawmakers. The trump administration has already had a tariff of $ 34 trillion in Chinese imports, and the United States has proposed duties on more than $ 200 billion in additional imports.

Asked what he considered the most important part of the Europe agreement , Mr. Kudlow told Fox News that "No. 1: the United States and the EU will be allied in the fight against China …. President Juncker made it very clear yesterday that he intended to help us. "

Mr. Trump's trip to the Midwest had a great time in his life. In Granite City, Ill., He held a rally at a steel factory that was recently restarted long-idled blast furnaces, a move of the company made by the metals tariffs.

A series of workers and managers Mr. Trump for Trustees in the United States, Mr. Trump for Trustees in the United States of America (1965). saying his actions were conceived to help farmers, who can not vote for Democrats in the fall. But Mr. Trump, in that speech, and one earlier in Iowa, appeared to exaggerate the extent that the Europe deal would help farmers, as sharply different explanations from Washington and Brussels emerged over just the breadth of agricultural talks. [19659003] "We just opened up Europe for you farmers," Mr. Trump said in Iowa. And Mr. Lighthizer told us that we are negotiating about agriculture, period. That's part of the process. "

Purpose of the process. The US European officials said that they had successfully rebuffed such a request, making clear that they would not be held. Officials on both sides of the United States of America.

The US "strongly stricken to the whole field of agricultural products. "Mr. Juncker told reporters after his joint announcement with Mr. Trump."

And while Western European officials did not want to go back. retaliation against the US-they said that was really an assertion of market forces, prices for US crops tumble, rather than a promise to buy a quota.

"We are not going to turn to some kind of a Soviet-style economy, "said one. "Market rules will remain in place."

Write to Siobhan Hughes at [email protected] and Jacob M. Schlesinger at [email protected]

Appeared in the July 27, 2018, print edition by 'Trump Tries to Ease GOP Trade Worries. '

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