Trump Calls E.U. an "enemy" of trade; He says that he had not thought about the search for Russian extraditions


KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND – President Trump, adding to the list of allies he faced last week, said Sunday in an interview that he considered the European Union as an "enemy" "commercial, a few days after a controversial NATO summit and on the eve of ongoing talks with Russian President Vladimir V. Putin

. Trump made these remarks in an interview Saturday with "CBS Evening News", during which he also said that he "had not thought" to request the extradition of the 12 intelligence officers Russians accused of hacking Democratic Party organizations in an effort to influence the 2016 election.

"Well, I could," Trump said during the interview, led by anchor Jeff Glor at President Turnberry's golf course in Scotland. "But I will definitely ask questions about it."

The United States does not have an extradition treaty with Russia.

Regarding his point of view on trade, but they are an enemy, "Trump told CBS." Russia is an enemy in some ways. China is an economic enemy, certainly an enemy. "

In response, Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, in a strong response on Twitter, wrote:" America and the EU. are best friends. Whoever says we are enemies spreads false news. "

Before leaving his Turnberry resort in Scotland on Sunday, Mr. Trump spent two days playing golf and preparing for the meeting with Mr. Putin, Helsinki, Finland." Instead of delivering a message Severe to the Russians, as some Republicans and diplomats have hoped, Trump once again made US cybersecurity a partisan rather than national issue, and he also seemed to mock the hacking of the National Democratic Committee's servers. 19659002] "We had much better defenses," said Trump, suggesting that the Russians could not hack the Republican National Committee. "I think the DNC The President gave a series of interviews and press conferences during his trip to Europe last week at a NATO summit in Brussels and during a working visit. in England. In each, he sought to minimize the meeting with Mr. Putin. He also refused to severely criticize the Russian president before meeting them face-to-face. The two men must hold a joint press conference after their meeting.

As his NATO allies observed him in Brussels, Mr. Trump refused to call Mr. Putin an enemy or friend, but called him a "competitor" . And at a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday, Mr Trump said that he would raise the issue of Russian interference in the elections. But he again stressed his wish to engage with Putin, among other leaders whose actions have been hostile to the NATO alliance.

"I will absolutely mention" interference "," said Mr. Trump. sure. "I hope we will have very good relations with Russia, China and other countries."

The CBS interview was conducted for a week when Mr. Trump publicly blasted several media outlets for publishing what he described as "false". news "- including his own quotes on record and recorded in The Sun, a British tabloid.

He also targeted individual journalists for trying to ask him questions about his strategy with Russia At some point , he denigrated a NBC reporter to ask him if he was giving Mr Putin any advantage after a week of denigrating the United States' closest allies.

During his flash tour to Europe last week, at least one information personality seems to have received a respectful audience with Mr. Trump: Before a friendly interview on Air Force One Friday, Piers Morgan, over there on behalf of the Daily Mail, scampered, trying to touch the electronics in a plane that is equipped to allow the president to lead a nuclear war of air.He also tried to sit in a chair designated for the president.

After marveling at the Trump brand M & M's that he found in the plane, Mr. Morgan met with the president, discussing his diet more impulsive and charismatic. salmon and a lemon bar), the first lady, Melania Trump – "I hope she's never going against me," he said – and Mr. Trump's audience with the Queen Elizabeth II

"This is a fantastic woman," Mr. Trump said about the 92-year-old monarch: "So much energy and smart and sharp, she was amazing."

Mr. Morgan finally raised Putin, asking him if Mr. Trump considered him a ruthless dictator

. I think we could probably get along very well. "

Mr. Trump's conciliatory tone contrasted with a harsher attitude on the part of the members of his administration in the United States, Mr. Trump's National Security Advisor, John R. Bol" [19659002] "I think it's ridiculous for the President to demand anything that he can not get legally," Mr. Bolton told ABC. demanding something that is not going to happen puts the president in a weak position. "

Mr. Bolton pointed out the legal obstacles to extradition of Russian citizens: The absence of a treaty extradition with Russia.

Noah Weiland contributed reports from Washington.

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