U.S Immigration: Children come back with their parents


Pulling small backpacks, smiling immigrant children were picked up in the arms of their parents yesterday as the Trump administration rushed to meet a court-ordered deadline for gathering dozens of separated youths from their families on the border. Rapids, Michigan, Two boys and a girl who had been placed temporarily in a foster home were reunited with their Honduran fathers in a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Center about three months after their separation

and hugging them and telling them that everything was fine and that they would never be separated again, "said immigration lawyer Abril Valdes [19659002] One of the fathers, Ever Reyes Mejia, left the center of the CIE carrying his radiant son.

The boy was placed in a booster seat, and the father and son were chased away. The lawyers said the fathers were too distraught to talk to the media.

The Department of Justice has stated that more than 50 children under the age of 5 may be in the arms of their parents again.

Cancel the effects of US President Donald Trump's zero tolerance policy of separating families trying to cross the Mexican border to the United States.

The administration is to go to a second deadline, July 26, to bring together about 2000 older children. 19659009] A father still waiting

  Hermelindo Che Coc, of San Andres in Guatemala, meets the immigration authorities of Los Angeles. Photo / AP
Hermelindo Che Coc, of San Andres, Guatemala, meets the Los Angeles Police Authority. Photo / AP

A Guatemalan man says his 6-year-old son feared he would be dead after the US authorities separated the pair after they entered the country.

Hermelindo Che Coc, 31, said in Los Angeles that they were separated after crossing Texas in May. He says the authorities told him that he would be detained and that his son was sent to a shelter in New York. Che Coc says that he signed papers and that he was released with an ankle monitor

He says he's leaving his country to seek a safer environment for his son and pray that he will find it again soon. Che Coc cried before registering with the immigration authorities, fearing to be deported. His lawyer says that he has received an appointment to return in October.

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