"What a crazy country": Trump makes it to be a DC tour guide a tough concert


It began, as is often the case, when the DC NationTours bus passed the Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue near the White House. A murmur of curiosity with multiple accents was followed by a screaming question from a Peruvian visitor in the back.

"What do people really think of him?"

"What do people think of President Trump? Maricar Donato, a veteran of the DC, has been rehearsed in her mike on a hot July morning, immediately mistrusting any political discord that could cost the tourism industry $ 7.5 billion, which represents 20 million annual visitors in the national capital. Said a man from Guatemala

"Fifty percent of people love him and fifty percent can not stand it," offered a Miami tourist.

"Fifty-Fifty," repeated Donato, a Filipino immigrant, clinging to a compromise. "That's a good answer, he's our president, and we respect that, now look at the Corinthian columns on the National Archives on your right …"

The bus rolled, the tourists sat down and Donato had once again, a group storm was diverted by Donald Trump during a tour: A group of tourists exploded past the Trump Hotel, while others almost emptied the Make America Great souvenir cars. More hats. It is incumbent upon besieged tour guides to keep peace in the bus during a hot tourist season.

"Most people are here to see the iconic sites that they have seen on television," said guide Steve Hillyard. "I'm trying very hard to stay neutral."

It did not work very well during a recent walk between memorials. A particularly assertive tourist – he will not say if the person was pro or anti-Trump – has pressed on who should get the credit for the current state of the economy. The measured response, just-the facts, please-note-that-passing-statue-of-Alexander-Hamilton has still managed to ignite the exchange and derail the tour.

  In the era of Donald Trump's tour, devolved light sling. Photo / AP
At the time of Donald Trump's tour, tourism turned into a slight sling. Photo / AP

"Things have collapsed," said Hillyard. "I've always been very good at redirecting, but this time I have not been able to continue with the substance of the tour."

The presidents have always dominated the tours, say the guides. "Many people have asked me if (President Barack) Obama was a Muslim," said Donato

. But as for many things, tensions are exacerbated in the days of Trump. Many fear that foreign visitors, in particular, will be hijacked or even hijacked by a commander-in-chief who talks about trash rights. And a strong dollar has not helped, making the country harder to pay for many foreigners.

"My tours are getting smaller and smaller," said Dutch-speaking guide Ruth Roberts, whose typical groups of about thirty people have shrunk. about 17 this summer. Three of his European autumn groups have already been canceled. "The feeling is extremely embittered."

While figures will not be available for months, tour operators report a drop in Trump country visits targeted at trade, immigration and religion, with the ban on travel controversial majority countries recently confirmed by the Supreme Court. Tourism analysts worry that the long legal battle against travel ban has tarnished the reputation of the United States as a welcoming nation.

"The legal purgatory we just experienced equates to a hell of public relations," said Jonathan Grella, vice president of public affairs for the US Travel Association, a non-profit organization that seeks to increase trips to and within the United States. "We need the White House now focus on a deliberate and explicit greeting to legitimate travelers."

According to Grella, the US share of the global travel boom that is beginning to bypass the country is in jeopardy. The number of foreign visitors to the United States has remained fairly stable, even though it is leaping into the other 12 major destinations of the world. According to his group, the share of tourists from the United States, France, Germany, Brazil and Australia has dropped from 14 to 25% over the past two years; Turkey is the only other major destination to experience a decline at this time.

And those who come are closer than usual to being dragged into the domestic dispute between the supporters and the enemies of the president

  some school groups choose to miss out on the White House. Photo / 123RF
Once a sacrosanct arrested, some school groups choose to miss out on the White House. Photo / 123RF

Jackie Frend, President of the Washington Guild of Professional Tour Guides, noticed this spring that some of the venerable visits to Grade 8 schools in the District of Columbia were escaping a sacrosanct stop: The White House

"Some of them simply do not want to see it," said Frend, whose group includes more than 50 guides speaking 20 languages. "I ask teachers why it's not on the route, and they're just shrugging their shoulders."

Meanwhile, Conservative tourists arrive in greater numbers in the nation's capital, according to several tour operators, attracted by both the president and the opening of the popular Bible Museum to a block away from the National Mall. Among them are other school groups from the pro-Trump Red States in the South and Midwest.

"We have kids wearing red hats on the same bus with children from liberal states like California," says Lance Harvey, founder of School Tours for America, a leading organizer of student trips in the city. He gave additional training to his guides in the spring so that they were ready to negotiate any political fight.

  The Bible Museum in Washington DC is a popular attraction for conservative tourists. Photo / Getty Images
The Bible Museum in Washington DC is a popular drawn map for conservative tourists. Photo / Getty Images

Harvey said that the students were especially nice; sometimes adult escorts are ferocious in their opinions. One teacher suggested dropping the stop at the White House, only to get a barrage back email from distant parents.

"Even though they did not agree with the White House, they did not think it was the right way," Harvey said. The teacher is excused and restored the chance of getting a photo in front of the fence of the White House.

"The atmosphere and atmosphere are controversial, no doubt about it," Harvey said.

And at the front of the band Armed only a radio microphone, a starry umbrella and a thorough knowledge of Washington's history, tour guides such as Donato are responsible for defusing and deflecting them

"We try to disarm with charm. a guide in seven languages ​​that has led groups and trained tour guides on the art of deviation for decades.

  Maricar Donato wearing a star and striped umbrella at the Second World War Memorial in July. Photo / Astrid Riecken
Maricar Donato wearing an umbrella star and stripes at the World War II Memorial in July. Photo / Astrid Riecken

When asked where tourists could see Monica Lewinsky's blue dress, she replied that the Smithsonian had a nice collection of First Ladies dresses. Today, when disconcerted strangers wonder why Trump is president when Hillary Clinton got more votes, she is ready with a speech on the constituency

"Fortunately, I read a book for children to simply explain it. "

And how do they react?

"They say:" What crazy country are you? " "

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