Why the calm and assertive face of the Thai cave rescue has been demoted


Rescue of the youth football team and their coach of the cave in Thailand between second day.

Away from the mouth of Tham Luang Nang No cave, the governor of Chiang Rai Narongsak Osotanakorn has beaten and lost another battle – to keep his job.

The face of the rescue effort, a bureaucrat appointed leadership has been lacking, has been "bounced" laterally to a smaller province, despite its determination and effectiveness where others have squabbled and passed the ball.

But these are precisely the qualities that he has shown to the whole world. the boys and their football coach who earned him the wrath of the ruling junta.

  The relief commander, Narongsak Osotanakorn, was transferred from his post as governor of Chiang Rai after ...

KATE GERAGHTY / SYDNEY MORNING HERALD [19659008] The relief commander, Narongsak Osotanakorn, was transferred from his governorship of Chiang Rai after a conflict with the national government.

In a long piece of investigation entitled "Warlord v Warlord", the weekly feature film Manager Weekend details the fight between Narongsak and the Minister of the Interior Anupong Paochinda – former army chief and powerful member of the ruling junta

* Rescue of the cave
* Relatives of cavemen bartering letters
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* The team of Elon Musk speaks with the Thai authorities for the rescue of caves
taught them to meditate
* Thai Cave : Boys Trapped and Their Trainer Receiving an Intensive Dive Course
* Thai Football Children Trapped in the Cave: What to Know
* Full Coverage of Thai Cave Rescue

In one year nely, Narongsak has an unblemished record of settlements, refusing to approve national projects about budget irregularities and questioning potential corruption. He said that for some projects, no less than 60% of the official budget has not been spent in his province. The most politically sensitive was a waste management center and a $ 12 million ($ 13.09 million New Zealand) incinerator built without taking into account the local residents. The magazine says that it might not work.

  Somyot Poompanmoung, now head of the Thai Football Association, offered a $ 120,000 reward for information ...


Somyot Poompanmoung, now head of the Thai Football Association, offered a $ 120,000 reward in exchange for information on a deadly bombing in Bangkok, only to give money to his team.

He also opened "rotten wounds" on culturally significant catfish statues on a series of islands where the property is disputed, and works of art that were purchased ten times their real value. According to him, Narongsak was quite effective and annoying enough for powerful interests, so that Anupong and his close colleague – Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha – "bounce" Narongsak to the side at a cabinet meeting three months ago

. Worked on local government projects in the province separately confirmed that there had been tensions over corruption, claiming that the Interior Ministry had a reputation for corruption for several decades.

Srisuwan Janya, anti-corruption activist, said: Khaosod Journalist, there was no doubt that Narongsak's move to Phayao was a demotion to ask embarrassing questions. "It's considered a punishment in the bureaucracy," said Srisuwan

. While the decision was made months ago, the transfer was announced publicly just last week as the rescue effort intensified. Many Thais on social media were wondering why a man who had clearly managed to manage a crisis, with overwhelming international attention, could be moved and implore Prayuth to let him remain as governor. The government says this decision is part of the usual annual reshuffle of the bureaucrats.

Narongsak, who focuses on rescue, has spoken little about it. Leaving a group discussion line, he told his colleagues that he was proud of his work and urged them to continue their efforts. "I love Chiang Rai," he concludes. "I love everyone."

If Narongsak emerged the hero, there was also a clear villain. The deputy chief of the National Police, Srivara Ransibrahmanakul, deserved contempt for his appearances in the mountains, where he and his entourage interfered with the efforts of those on the front line.

a drone operator – who was monitoring the cave – if he had a license. He also asked whether the parents of the missing children had lodged a formal complaint.

The fury in line with the fastidious of Srivara came because he has the form. He made headlines to bow to the suspect in a case of animal cruelty, where the leader of a construction conglomerate was accused of firing on a threatened black panther and having eaten his penis in a soup

in his absence – with 13 members of a football team trapped underground, the head of the Football Association of Thailand was neither seen or heard. While everyone from the Croatian national team to the Elon Musk World Cup seems to have weighed in and offered some kind of support, Somyot Poompanmoung's only contribution seems to have been to write a letter thanking FIFA for his good wishes.

Somyot may have been wise to stay out of the limelight – while he was chief of the national police in 2015, he offered a $ 120,000 reward for the bombing against the sanctuary & # 39; Erawan that killed 20 people and injured 125. [19659004Plustôtcetteannéeilaétésoupçonnéd'avoirreçuenviron12millionsdedollarsdupropriétairedubordelVictoria'sSecretquiavaitétéperquisitionnéaprèsqu'unenfantde12ansaitétévictimedelatraiteavecd'autresfillesmineuresUneenquêtesurl'argentsepoursuitmaisavantlacrisedesgrottesladernièredéclarationpubliquedeSomyotétaitqu'ilenvisageaitdeseportercandidatàlaprochaineélection[19659024]. – Sydney Morning Herald

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