No time spent in front of a sedentary screen for babies, according to the WHO


baby holding a television remote

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According to the new World Health Organization guidelines, infants and young children should not be forced to passively watch television or other screens.

The WHO says that time spent in front of a sedentary screen, including computer games, should not happen until a child is two years old.

The limit for children ages two to four is one hour a day and the less it is better.

The UK does not intend to update its own advice on the use of the screen, which sets no time limit, although children should avoid the screens before bedtime.

The Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health of the UK insists that there is little evidence that the use of screening in children is harmful in itself.

  • "Do not worry" about the use of the screen by children
  • The time spent in front of a screen can harm toddlers

WHO's new board focuses on passive viewing – young people being placed in front of a TV or computer screen or a tablet or mobile phone for entertainment – and fighting against inactivity children, major risk factor for mortality and diseases related to obesity health.

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This is the first time that the WHO formulates recommendations on physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep of children under five years old.

In addition to warning against the time spent in front of a passive screen, babies should not stay more than one hour at a time in a buggy, car seat or scarf.

The guidelines will be presented at the European Congress on Obesity to be held Sunday in Glasgow.

The board

For babies:

  • Be physically active several times a day, including at least 30 minutes of "stomach sitting" – lying on your stomach
  • No sedentary screen time
  • 14 to 17 hours of sleep per day for newborns, including naps – reduction to 12-16 years of 4 to 11 months
  • Must not be restrained (tied in a recliner, seat or sling) more than one hour at a time

For children one and two years old:

  • At least three hours of physical activity a day
  • No sedentary screen time for children from one year and less than one hour for two years
  • 11-14 hours of sleep per day, including naps
  • Should not be held more than an hour at a time or sit for long periods of time

For three and four years:

  • At least three hours of physical activity a day, including at least one activity of moderate or vigorous intensity
  • Up to an hour of sedentary screen time – the less it is better
  • 10-13 hours of sleep a day, which may include a nap
  • Should not be held more than an hour at a time or sit for long periods of time

WHO's advice is based on the available evidence, but there is still no definitive research on the disadvantages and potential benefits of using testing.

However, it was unlikely that very young children would benefit from passive and sedentary vision, said one of the authors of the guideline, Dr. Juana Willumsen.

"Sedentary time needs to be transformed into quality time.Reading a book with your child, for example, can help him develop his language skills.

"A child who is given a tablet to keep quiet while sitting in a stroller does not take the same thing [quality sedentary time].

"Children should have the opportunity to play actively throughout the day and we should reduce the time spent in front of a passive and sedentary screen," she said.

Some TV shows that encourage young children to move while watching might be acceptable, she added, especially if the parent or guardian was also there to explain and participate.

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What do other experts think?

In the United States, experts say that children should not use the screens before the age of 18 months.

In Canada, the projection time for children under two is not recommended.

But the British guidelines do not set such a limit.

Dr. Max Davie, RCPCH, said: "The limited selection timeframes proposed by WHO do not seem proportionate to the potential damage.

"Our research has shown that, right now, there is not enough solid evidence to support setting time limits for the screen.

"It's hard to see how a household with children of various ages can protect a baby from any on-screen exposure, as recommended.

"Globally, these WHO guidelines serve as useful benchmarks to help families adopt an active and healthy lifestyle." But without the proper support in place, the pursuit of perfection could become the only way to help families. enemy of good. "

Dr. Tim Smith, an expert in brain development at the University of London, said parents were bombarded with conflicting advice, which could be confusing.

"There is currently no clear evidence of the specific duration limits proposed for this age range.

"The report is a potentially useful step in distinguishing the time spent in front of a sedentary screen from active screen games, where physical activity is required, but it oversimplifies the many ways in which young children and their families use the media. with screen. "


Paula Morton has two preschool children

What can parents do?

Paula Morton, a teacher and mother of two young children, said her son had learned a lot from watching dinosaur shows and revealed "random facts about them".

"He does not sit around doing nothing," she says.

"Obviously, he thinks and uses his brain.

"I do not know how I could prepare dinner, cook and clean if it was not something to look at."

According to the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, parents may ask:

  • Is the screen time controlled?
  • Does the use of the screen interfere with what your family wants to do?
  • Does the screen use affect sleep?
  • Are you able to control snacks for the time spent in front of the screen?

If a family is satisfied with their answers to these questions, it is likely that she is managing the time spent in front of a screen, explains the college.


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