Obama says he will get a Covid-19 vaccine when he can – and that he could do it on TV to prove he’s safe


“People like Anthony Fauci, whom I know, and with whom I have worked, I have complete confidence,” Obama said. “So if Anthony Fauci tells me that this vaccine is safe and can immunize, you know, immunize you against Covid, absolutely, I’ll take it.”

“I promise you that when it is done for people at less risk, I will take it,” he said.

During the interview, Obama appeared to acknowledge the very real problem of vaccine reluctance, which some health experts believe could cause minorities – who have been most affected by the coronavirus pandemic – to be avoided. to get vaccinated.

“I understand that you know historically – everything going back to the Tuskegee experiences and so on – why the African American community would have some skepticism. But the point is, vaccines are the reason we don’t. “There is no more polio, which is why we don’t have a whole group of children dying from measles and smallpox and diseases that were decimating entire populations and communities,” he said. -he declares.

The former president said he had no problem leading by example to get a photo once it’s available.

“I can end up watching it on TV or having it filmed, just so people know I trust this science, and what I don’t trust is getting Covid,” he says.

Previous studies have found that minority communities have higher death rates from Covid-19, are more at risk and most vulnerable in part due to pre-existing conditions.

Obama also said that in addition to promising vaccines, another reason for hope is the new administration with President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“As for Covid now, obviously at the end of the day one of the big advantages of taking over responsibility from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on January 20 is that they will also put scientists and experts in charge. medical, ”added Obama. .


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