Obituary of Kansas COVID victim who died in solitary confinement detonates anti-masks


The obituary of an 81-year-old man who died after being diagnosed with COVID-19 criticizes people refusing to wear masks, saying his final days were “harder, scarier and lonelier” than ever.

Dr. Marvin James Farr, of Scott City, Kansas, died at Park Lane Nursing Home on December 1. He was a farmer and veterinarian who graduated from Kansas State University in 1968.

He had been in isolation since Thanksgiving, according to a Facebook post from his son, Courtney Farr.

Dr Farr’s obituary, which was posted on the funeral directors Price & Sons website, states that he was “preceded by death by more than 260,000 Americans” infected with COVID-19.

“He died in a room that was not his, being taken care of by people dressed in confusing and frightening fashion,” it read. “He died with COVID-19, and his final days were more difficult, more frightening and more lonely than necessary. He was not surrounded by friends and family.”

The obituary compares how societal attitudes have changed since Farr was born in 1939.

“He was born in an America recovering from the Great Depression and on the brink of facing World War II, times of loss and sacrifice that are difficult for most of us to imagine,” says the post.

“Americans would be urged to ration essential supplies and send their children around the world to fight and die in wars of unfathomable destruction. He died in a world where many of his fellow Americans refuse to wear a piece of cloth over their face to protect one. another.”

US anti-mask protest
People participate in a protest against the wearing of face masks outside the Gallatin County Public Health Unit in Bozeman, Montana
William Campbell / Getty Images

He continues, “His careers have filled his life with an understanding of the science of life: how to nurture it, how to sustain it, and the myriad ways life can go wrong. As a young man he debated between studying the mortuary or veterinary science. He chose life over death.

“The science that guided his professional life has been maligned and abandoned by so many of the same people who depended on his knowledge to care for their animals and raise their food.”

Courtney Farr said in another Facebook post that he wanted to write something positive, but was “in mourning and angry” over his father’s death.

“My father Marvin passed away yesterday. I would like to share or post something positive about him, but the reality is that I am not in any place to be able to do this now. I am in mourning and angry at the way he died.

“He tested positive last week for COVID-19 and has been in isolation since Thanksgiving Day. The staff at Park Lane Nursing Home do an incredible job during an incredibly difficult time for its residents to take care of.

He added: “I have spent most of this year hearing from people in my hometown talk about the fact that this disease is not real, is not that serious, only kills old people, masks do not work etc. prevalence of these attitudes, my father’s death was so much more difficult for him, his family and his caregivers than it should have been. That is why this obit is written as what. “

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 13,822,249 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States. There have been 272,525 deaths to date.


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