Observe a flower it seems to remember when pollinators come to the call


Do you remember what you did yesterday? Otherwise, you may want to take a lesson of Nasa poissoniana, a star-shaped flowering plant of the Peruvian Andes with an unusual skill set.

These plants can agitate around their stamens – the organs they use for fertilization – to maximize the distribution of their pollen. More surprisingly, a study published last month in Plant Signaling and Behavior suggests that each plant can adjust the timing of these movements based on its past experiences with pollinators. In other words, they remember the past and try to repeat it.

The discovery joins others who have recently painted an increasingly broad picture of what plants can feel, learn and do. The study, though small and preliminary, "presents a promising new and intriguing system for studying plant memory," said Peter Crisp, a plant geneticist at the University of Minnesota.

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Nasa poissoniana belongs to a sub-family of plants called Loasoideae. They are known for their polychrome flowers, as well as for the "really painful" burning hairs on their stems, explains Tilo Henning, one of the main authors of the study.


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