Officials warn of possible measles exposure in Monmouth County



Monmouth County health officials said there was a potential case of exposure to measles in an Englishtown restaurant.

According to officials, if you were at Rosalita's Road, bordering Cantina Street, Friday around noon, you run a risk of getting measles. ?

The exposure to measles was reported to have occurred between 11:30 and 15:30.

RELATED: Officials warn about possible exposure to measles at Englishtown restaurant

According to officials, the unidentified person from Middlesex County had dinner at the restaurant.

The restaurant manager says they're working to get the message out to their customers and their staff.

Officials say that if you have been exposed, you are at risk. Symptoms, which may include rash, high fever, cough, runny nose, and watery red eyes, may occur late May 10th.

That's why officials tell your doctor if you have been exposed and are at risk.

The Department of Health is currently reviewing whether this case is related to epidemics or not in Ocean County or other states.

The CDC reported 626 cases in the US, 71 more than last week as the country is poised to have the highest number of cases since the virus was eradicated in 2000 through vaccination.


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