Meet the miracle baby born weighing 9 lb 11 oz on 9/11 birthday

[ad_1] Meet the baby who was born at 9:11 pm, weighing 9 lbs / 11 oz on a memorable birthday. Little Christina Brown was born at the LeBonheur Methodist Hospital in Germantown, Tennessee. "She is a new life among devastation and destruction," said her mother Cametrione Moore-Brown. Commemorations were held in the United States to … Read more

Apple TV + has a low price, but a small range makes it a difficult sell

[ad_1] Text size Josh Edelson / AFP / Getty Images Nothing in the technology is more covered than the annual unveiling of the iPhone. But last week, Apple had a broader mission: to introduce new phones while demonstrating that the company's new service business could also thrive. Apple (symbol: AAPL) launched its event on Tuesday … Read more

Why hot women flock to "SNL" star Pete Davidson

[ad_1] With his very tattooed and ultra skinny body, his hunting dog eyes and his blush – like mop of hair, Pete Davidson may not be everyone 's idea of ​​a beating. heart. Still, the least likely entertainment world, Lothario, has been the subject of a multitude of beauties – and friends insist that Davidson … Read more

Tesla's "powertrain" could be played for Taycan before it starts

[ad_1] Now that Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk, and the company's research and development team have revealed the existence of future variants of the "Powertrain Plaid", some more questions about their recently announced contest come to mind. Will Taycan Porsche's technical achievements be overshadowed even before being appreciated by future customers? Will Taycan Booking Holders decide … Read more

Alternate Iron Man post-credits scene referenced by the X-Men

[ad_1] "I have something to ask you: have you ever heard of Gambit?"Image: Disney Iron Man's The post-credit scene was a defining moment in the Marvel film universe, because that is precisely what created the MCU. However, as revealed by Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, there is a version that teases not only the … Read more