Acting DHS chief predicts much progress in building the southern border wall despite Congressional inaction

[ad_1] Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan said Tuesday that his department needed more troops on the southern border, where he hoped to build on a "strong partnership" with the Department of Defense and continue to progress quickly on a barrier blocking unauthorized entries. He told Fox News host Dana Perino at "The Daily … Read more

Medicaid Expansion Linked to Positive Earnings for Black Babies

[ad_1] Prematurity and underweight at birth can expose an infant to a significant risk of death. In 2013, about 36% of infant deaths were due to causes related to prematurity, according to an article published in the 2015 Vital Statistics reports. Still, the new study shows that the expansion of Medicaid was linked to the … Read more

Penalty on Vegas "stolen" game 7

[ad_1] 4:24 ET Greg WyshynskiESPN SAN JOSE, Calif. – Jonathan Marchessault was in the Vegas Golden Knights locker room after their overtime loss to the San Jose Sharks in Game 7, a defeat that ended the second-year franchise season. 39, an amazing way. He expressed his concern for Sharks captain Joe Pavelski, who blew profusely … Read more

First "marsquake" detected on the red planet

[ad_1] The InSight lander took this selfie in his first weeks on Mars, before deploying his seismic instrument.Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech The NASA InSight lander has detected the first known "marsquake". The spacecraft detected the slight tremor of the surface of Mars on April 6, 128 days after landing on the planet last November. The … Read more

Americans become more inactive, computers partly responsible

[ad_1] Americans are becoming more and more sedentary, spending close to a third of their waking hours, and computer use is partly to blame, reveals a new study. For nearly 10 years, the average length of the daily session has increased by about an hour, rising to about eight hours for American teenagers and almost … Read more

End of the finals for a record in China Wednesday – Variety

[ad_1] "Avengers: Endgame" already breaks records in China, earning $ 89.6 million (602 million RMB) at 17 hours. on the first day of Wednesday – two days before the United States – and firmly committed to becoming the biggest Hollywood title of the Middle Kingdom. The Marvel final has already set a new all-time presale … Read more