14 Myths and Truths About Oral Health That You Should Know


Is it normal for gums to bleed during brushing? Can chewing gum replace brushing? Know the answers in this note.

Every day more people are worried about having an attractive smile; However, ignorance about how to properly care for the mouth leads us to follow false beliefs that can harm the teeth and gums. Therefore, Dr. Jubitza Loayza, periodontist and director of the Eurodent Clinic clarifies certain myths and truths about oral health

1. If you brush harder, you will get cleaner teeth

Myth. Brushing teeth aggressively will not remove stains on teeth or tartar, on the contrary, it will only damage the gums. Make a good brushing, enough time, a correct technique and the necessary instruments

2. Chewing gum can replace brushing

Myth. Chewing sugarless gum after meals serves as mouthwash but does not replace brushing teeth.

3. It is normal for the gums to bleed during brushing

Myth. Gum bleeding occurs only when there is an infection or abnormality. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the most common diseases of the gums.

4. The more you bite the mouthwash, the cleaner will be better

Myth. Mouthwash is a good supplement to good dental hygiene; however, containing large amounts of alcohol can cause irritation of the mouth.

5. Energy drinks and sodas damage teeth

Truth. They contain a large amount of carbon dioxide, sugar and acids that damages tooth enamel and, in more severe cases, tooth decay and loss of teeth.

6. Bad breath is caused by digestive problems

Myth. Most cases of bad breath are caused by the mouth, either because of improper oral hygiene, oral problems, periodontal disease or other causes such as gastric problems , dry mouth, etc.

7. Caries is painful

Myth. When decay begins is completely painless, only damages the tooth enamel. The pain occurs when it spreads to the internal tissues of the tooth, sensitive to contact with cold, hot, sweet or bitter drinks.

8. Cavities do not affect the baby teeth

Myth. Tooth teeth need the same care as the final teeth because the health of the former affects the last ones. It is important to keep the teeth temporary so that the child can develop through chewing, muscle tone and bone bases, so that the final teeth have room to erupt.

9. Children must learn from an early age to brush their teeth

Truth. A piece of gauze should be used to remove traces of milk from the gums that cause the accumulation of bacterial plaque. Similarly, as soon as the first tooth appears, it is advisable to consult the dentist so that the child can get used to the environment and prevent the appearance of oral problems.

10. Dental implants last forever

Myth. Implants can last a long time if you take good care of them and if oral hygiene is adequate.

11. You can perform a teeth whitening, without having to go to the dentist

Myth. There are popular techniques for whitening teeth based on the use of sodium bicarbonate, lemon or hydrogen peroxide only weakens tooth enamel and cause a sensitivity. The whitening of teeth should always be under the supervision of a dentist.

12. Tobacco Affects Oral Health

Truth. Tobacco impairs immunological capacity, decreasing the ability to repair the tissues of the mouth, causing the onset of oral diseases. In addition, it causes bad breath, increases bacterial plaque, dental calculus, teeth and cancer of the mouth.

13. It is only necessary to go to the dentist when the tooth hurts

Myth. It is recommended to visit the dentist twice a year to prevent dental diseases and complications.

14. It is not necessary to visit the dentist if you are pregnant

Myth. During pregnancy, teeth and gums require a complete overhaul to diagnose any type of infection or disease. At this point, there are hormonal changes that affect the body's tissues, which facilitates the onset of oral diseases.

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