5 aspects to consider during the first gynecological visit – Agencia Orbita


Lima.- The first visit to the gynecologist is an important moment in the life of women, who start to grow up and discover new things in their bodies, for which they will ask for the opinion of a specialist to guide them in the process and absolve your doubts.

This experience will allow the doctor to better know the patient, listen to his concerns and take his medical history centered on the gynecological aspect, to provide the best guide in this new stage of his life. Dr. Norma Castro, gynecologist and obstetrician of the Anglo-American clinic, details the five aspects that will be tested in the first approach to gynecological consultation.

Detailed and Accurate Information

will require detailed and relevant information for medical evaluation, for which it is essential that the patient be as accurate as possible and provide accurate data without omit important details. The requested information includes weight, height and height, as well as medical history, since this information will depend on the treatment that may be received in the future, it is the one that will have the most success.

are found when menstruation has started, if the patient usually has regular periods, if she started her sex life, contraceptive methods used, among others.

Breast revision

As part of the first gynecological consultation, is breast revision, a painless procedure through which a breast examination will be done to exclude abnormalities, by checking the symmetry of Breasts, alterations of the skin or areola, as well as secretion in the nipples In addition, the specialist will teach the patient how to perform this test at home and when to do so to have recourse to the gynecologist of the bedside and initiate timely treatment.

Sexual relations

In the case that the patient has had sex, an external revision of the genitals will be performed, to verify that there is no evidence # 39; anomaly. In addition, the specialist will advise on contraceptive methods that can be considered to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases according to the needs, conditions and lifestyle of the patient.

Intimate Hygiene

In the first visit will address an important point such as the hygiene of the intimate area, which requires special care and attention, being a skin very delicate. Among the recommendations proposed by the specialist include the use of cotton undergarments that promote the circulation of air in this region and avoid as much as possible vaginal douches, because all do not have a low pH. In addition, these types of showers are intended only for the external genitalia, so the cleaning is not 100% effective.

Vaccination against human papillomavirus

This is one of the most important points of the petition. This virus is transmitted by contact during sexual activity, and although in most cases it does not cause symptoms or discomfort, in some situations it can cause cancer of the cervix. # 39; uterus. It is recommended that women receive the vaccine before starting their sex life.

With this information, going to the first gynecological visit will be easier to have the necessary data to enjoy a good intimate health. In addition, it will contribute to the spread of a culture of prevention that benefits everyone and allows to enjoy a better quality of life with loved ones.

The Anglo American Clinic has a specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics, which is aware of and occupies the population on the importance of good health. The doctors' staff is always ready to answer the doubts of the patients to provide a better quality of life.

To learn more about the Anglo American Clinic, its services, specialties, the new Dr. Fleck Building and medical staff, go to www.clinicaangloamericana.pe or visit @clinicaangloamericana on Facebook and @ClinicaAngloAm on Twitter.

To contact the specialist, Dr. Norma Castro of the specialty of Gynecology and Obstetrics, write to [email protected] or call 616 8900 annex 5414.

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