6 amazing causes of headaches and you can not know what causes it


BBC World / For some, reaching a climax during a sexual encounter is not always synonymous with pleasure.

For others, eating a "harmless" ice cream when the sun heats up more than ever can be synonymous with problems.

And it is that both situations can cause in some people an intense headache. Many, however, have not realized the relationship between the two.

In BBC World we talk about six factors that can blow your head:

1. Sexual intercourse "Headaches and sexual activity are often treated with humor as a typical way in which women reject male advances. However, headaches associated with sexual activity can be anything but a joke. "

Image copyright Getty Images / iStock Image caption Headaches caused during sexual activity are considered harmless, these are the words of Margaret J. Redelman, author of" And if the & # 39; sexual headache & # 39; "Is not a Joke?", Published in the British Journal of Medical Practitioners.

The International Society on Pain Head (IHS, International Headache Society) is a British non-profit organization that provides information to help people affected by this disease.

According to the International Society for Headache in the United Kingdom, the headache produced by sexual activity has received different names in the specialized literature:

Sexual Headache Benign or Benign Vascular Headache Sexual Headache Coital or Cohort Headache Orgasmic Headache Or Orgasmic Headache The Definition What this organization presents is that of "headache precipitated by sexual activity, which usually starts as a dull bilateral pain like The excitement increases and, suddenly, intensifies in orgasm, in the absence of any intracranial disorder. "

The intensity of the pain" abrupt and explosive "can occur even shortly before reaching orgasm.

The headache can last from a few minutes to 72 hours , with moderate intensity.

According to the National Health System of the United Kingdom (NHS, for its acronym in English), "doctors believe that sexual headaches they are due to pressure that accumulates in the muscles of the head and neck "as and when the sexual encounter.

Although the NHS recognizes that this type of headache is embarrassing, it states that they" are generally harmless "

Taking an analgesic a few hours before can block premature pain. However, asking for specialized help is always the best thing to do.

2. While you sleep If you are one of those who wake up with a strong headache, there may be something going on during your sleep hours and that they trigger it.

Image copyright Getty Images Legend of the image to avoid the effects of bruxism when you sleep. Many people do not know that they suffer from nocturnal bruxism, which is an involuntary habit that forces patients to firmly clamp their jaw or cringe by rubbing them or slipping them without functional purpose.

Bruxism in its mildest forms is more common than it seems, and it affects both children and adults. According to the calculation of several scientific studies in 2013, the prevalence of nocturnal bruxism in the adult population is about 12%.

"Grinding teeth is about 40 times more powerful than chewing," the BBC told the BBC. Dr. Nigel Carter of the British Oral Health Foundation.

What does bruxism say about your mental state and why do not many people know it? According to the NHS, contracting the muscles of the jaw causes a headache that he describes as "deaf".

The way to fix it is to go to the dentist to have a mouthguard that will protect our teeth. we sleep.

3. Clean the house This has nothing to do with finding an excuse for laziness: it's a fact that for some people, cleaning the house can become a headache.

Copyright Getty Images / iStock Image Caption Be careful with the cleaning products you use! "Household cleaning products, as well as perfumes and scented air fresheners, contain chemicals that can cause headaches," says the NHS

"If you are sensitive to certain odors, avoid perfumes, soaps and shampoos. and conditioners with strong odors. "

" If a colleague's scent annoys you, put a fan on your desk.

The British Health Service recommends using deodorants and household cleaners that do not contain perfumes and, when cleaning the house, all windows are open.

Professionals Cleaning should also take special measures because the headache may be just a symptom of something more serious.

Last February, a study from the Department of Clinical Sciences of the University of Bergen, in Norway, reported that the regular use of some cleaning products can have adverse effects on the lungs. [1] 9659002] "How to smoke 20 cigarettes a day": the damage caused by the maintenance products The researchers studied more than 6,000 people of both sexes for 20 years and concluded that women "who clean at home or who work as professional cleaners had shown a accelerated lung function reduced.

4. All That Glitters Is Not Good …

Incandescent lights, especially flashing lights, can cause migraines.

Copyright Image Getty Images Image caption Look in your environment: maybe the lights in your job site and the computer screen cause headaches. And that's because such lights trigger certain chemicals in the brain, which "activate the center of migraine", explains the NHS.

The British Health Organization recommends that these patients wear sunglasses at a time. inside and outside the office, and suggests optional polarized lenses.

"At work, adjust the monitor of your computer or attach it to an anti-glare screen. You can also turn off some lights or move them. If you can not, go to the office. Fluorescent lights tend to blink. If you can, replace them with another type of lighting.

That's exactly what William, a BBC reporter, did

: "In my office, they installed a very bright white light. "I suffer from ocular migraine and tinnitus [zumbidos en los oídos] two conditions that are related. Light has increased these conditions, especially ocular migraine which interferes with my vision and diminishes my visual field. "

" I asked them to reduce the intensity of the light or change the direction of focus. Eventually, they completely extinguished it. "

And William was not the only one complaining, a colleague who suffers from migraine also asked to close it.

5. Take ice cream You may have known that chocolate cause migraines to people who are inclined to develop them, but do you know ice cream?

Copyright: Getty Images Images Image caption They look harmless, right? you have a sharp throbbing pain in your forehead when you bite in an ice cream? So you are susceptible to headaches caused by the cold material that moves through the palate and the back of the throat. Frozen lollipops and frozen drinks have the same effect, "says the NHS.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, the publication of Harvard Medical School, when ice cream touches these parts of the mouth, [traduction]" small Blood vessels from these areas contract and dilate rapidly. "

" Pain receptors [ubicados] near blood vessels detect discomfort and send the message through small nerve fibers., to a more large nerve (the trigeminal nerve), which, in turn, sends it to the brain.The trigeminal nerve also transmits pain signals from the face. "

According to the NHS, the good news is that the sore throats Ice cream head do not require treatment.

"In fact, they end in an instant, rarely they last more than a minute or two."

6. The infallible advice of the grandmother: "¡nderézate!"

According to the NHS, poor posture causes "tension in the upper back, neck and shoulders, which can lead to pain"

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Being in an uncomfortable position for a long time can cause pain not only in the back but also in the neck and head. "Traditionally, the pain is like an intuition at the base of the skull and is sometimes reflected on the face, especially the forehead. "

The main counsel is to avoid staying in the same position for a long time.

Sit upright and make sure your lower back is supported, notes the Health organization.

And if you hold the phone between your ear and your shoulder while you are typing, the NHS recommends you do not do it

If you think you have posture problems, see a specialist ste to identify the best way to correct them because a headache could be only one consequence among so many others.

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