8-month-old baby, second death due to influenza B


  8-month-old baby, second death due to influenza B

About 22 people died of influenza virus nationwide.

An 8-month-old baby from the Choluteca department died of influenza B or seasonal flu, Health Zone Chief Harry Book said.

He noted that the figure of According to the medical report, the infant was not taken in time to receive medical care, so he developed pneumonia.

The doctor lamented the apathy of the population, mainly "It is really worrying that to date, after three weeks of having started vaccination against the flu, the pregnant population and the Seniors do not respond to calls by the Ministry of Health, "said Book.

Currently, the Department of Surveillance of the Ministry of Health (Sesal) has 357 cases of this disease, 84 of which are influenza B and 273 of the H1N1 flu

The majority of patients come from the department of Francisco Morazán, followed by Choluteca and San Pedro Sula.

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