"Leishmaniasis is a disease of the poor and the forgotten"


July 5, 2018 – 00:00
That's what Marcelo Quipildor, an infectious disease specialist, said in Bilbao, Spain, where he spoke at a conference where the hospital's doctor was Oran is internationally recognized for his commitment.

Marcelo Quipildor, infectious disease doctor, has been working tirelessly for twelve years at San Vicente de Paul Hospital, considered one of the most committed and experienced specialists, invited to talk about leishmaniasis at Bilbao, Spain

participated in the Congress of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases to be considered one of the most recognized American professionals in the fight against leishmaniasis.

In an interview with the prestigious newspaper El País in Madrid, revealed extremely important data on the disease. "Kill 30,000 people a year and fight drugs 70 years ago."

Quipildor had the opportunity to talk about leishmaniasis, clinical and new experiences. This was one of the interviews having the most impact in Bilbao, Spain, as it is a disease of forgetfulness, abandonment. and poverty, he said. the city of Oran, had the opportunity to do a report on casuistry, to show photos of cases that took place each year and to mention the efforts made by the Institute of Tropical Diseases which operates in the UNSa, Delegation of Oran where the deceased Dr. Néstor Taranto has been a pioneer and has more than 25 years of work. "I have also been able to rely on my experience in the daily practice of the medical office, the research we have conducted, the resistance to Glucantime and the projection that the institute must be able to establish a more precise diagnosis, taking into account in particular the patient. "

Quipildor Clinic, at Oran Hospital, more than 200 people with leishmaniasis pass through the year and the root of their infection is in the context of poverty and neglect in which they live. "These diseases are badly called tropical, they are diseases of poverty and forgetfulness," he said.

Quipildor also said that a colleague from Madrid will arrive in Oran in February to learn dengue, zika, chikungunya "It was an excellent experience, we fulfilled the goal that the professionals of the world know our work, scientifically and academically for the good of the patient.

Today, just as in the beginning

The first case that was detected in the world was in 1903 at a British army soldier with bacteria in the spleen and who died after crossing India.Today, the disease continues without reliable drugs. same list of 50 possible drugs for their treatment developed 70 years ago, "he remarked.

From where the value of Quipildor's experience. In each of their cases, the combination of drugs , the treatment time and the evolution of the patient vary. s do not work at all, no one questions, no one publishes, it is a disease that does not give money and it is up to us to fight it every day. "

The answer to this disease is always open. More than 30,000 deaths a year with a million and a half new touchdowns, continues to pose a challenge to the international medical community.

Therefore, Quipildor concludes: "The cure for this disease is called the political will: to fight poverty, to improve the standard of living of the population and we finish with it."

Their patients are infected by the bite female insects of the genus lutzomia and the species of sandflies. The disease has four forms of presentation that depend on the parasite species and the immune system of the patient. It is endemic in 98 countries on three continents, with more than 310 million people at risk of infection and 12 million cases worldwide. In America, it is endemic in the countries of Brazil, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Peru.

Despite his size, he still has no cure.

He arrives in Oran to stay

Dr. Marcelo Quilpidor He is 48 years old, he is from the capital of Salta and he went to university in Tucumán. He has been working in Oran for 12 years, where he achieved an exceptional career. He recently arrived, specializing in infectious diseases, to replace a doctor who resigned from his post at San Vicente de Paúl Hospital. A pride to have in Oran.


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