"There is money for the FANB but there are no vaccines against malaria"


Venezuela is embroiled in an economic crisis characterized by hyperinflation, food and medical shortages and a fifth year of recession that the government of President Nicolás Maduro accuses of the hostility of the West and the Falling prices

In the country, malaria is rising rapidly, which is why the director of the World Health Organization's (WHO) global malaria control program, Pedro Alonso, urged the health authorities of Venezuela to act immediately to stop the growth of this disease that threatens the lives of Venezuelans.

Officials who asked not to be identified reported more than 240 613 cases of malaria, the vast majority of these cases are recorded in the state of Bolívar, on the border with Guyana, with 290 deaths estimated, according to WHO.

The national government ignores these assertions to the point that at the meeting of Ministers @indhriana, Deputy Minister of Health, said: "With the National Plan to Fight Vectors, Venezuela can show positive indicators in the fight against malaria.The investment has increased by 300% ". Make your own conclusions

Let's read what the followers of @ReporteYa

Alejandro Alvarez I @aalvarezidice think: "The exponential increase in malaria in Venezuela is due to the small-scale mining that the government favors. "

Dr. María Yanes H. @mariayanesh says: "#Venezuela has the largest increase in malaria cases in the world, says the World Health Organization."

VenezuelaWe are all the strengths @ComandoSB: "The reappearance and increase of diseases that, decades behind, they were almost extinct in the national territory, they worry the population and the medical guild." Malaria epidemics , diphtheria, measles, malaria, Chagas disease and dengue are at the top of the list. "

# Haceminutos @ haceminutos says:" What a jewel! Luis López, Min Salud: "In Bolívar, we succeeded to halve the 400,000 cases of malaria in 2017, which is possible only in case of revolution.And who is to blame for the increase, Trump? what a level of cynicism! "

Fernando Alfonzo @fapeyre: "There is money for the FANB but there are no vaccines against malaria."

Jesús Albino Gómez @jesusalbinocomenta: "The doctors of # Anzoategui denounce an increase in cases of malaria.They report that they are treating 180 patients a day with this disease. "

Santiago Rodríguez @SantRodriguez writes:" The only indigenous peoples in America where deaths from malnutrition and malaria occur are those of Venezuela. In the sixties we were a reference in the world in the control of this epidemic. Let's go like crab! "

José Toro Hardy @josetorohardy points out:" Another record. Vzla has the largest increase in malaria cases in the world. Live the revolution. "

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