A 42-year-old man dies of the plague in Lambayeque


A 42-year-old man died from the plague bubonic in the region of Lambayeque. He allegedly contracted the disease in the district of Salas, thus confirmed the regional management of health.

The head of epidemiology, Dafne Moreno Paico, said that it is very likely that the Peruvian citizen, acquired the disease caused by the bite of an infected flea by the bacterium Yersinia pestis causing plague, in the Humedades Alto de Salas sector, on June 29th.

He pointed out that ] patient, who had lived in the United States for 7 years, was admitted to Lambayeque Regional Hospital last Thursday, where doctors confirmed the case of bubonic plague septicemic plague .

The specialist stated that the citizen had a high fever and general malaise, which complicated his health, leading to his death.

Dafne Moreno stated that for 20 years, there was no reported death of this disease in this region after the outbreak of the plague occurred in several areas of Mórrope, where there were several deaths.

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