Valsartan, the active compound against hypertension that has been withdrawn from the market


The Directorate General of Drugs, Supplies and Medicines (Digemid) ordered the removal of at least 33 drugs containing the active ingredient Valsartan, which incorporates certain drugs for the Hypertension . The measure responds to alerts issued by the European Medicines Agency and the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products after the discovery of an impurity that could generate cancer with its contribution.

According to the alert, detected N-nitrosodimethylamine in drugs with valsartan manufactured by Zhejing Huahai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. In Peru, 104 batches of 33 products containing valsartan have been immobilized and will be withdrawn from the national market. The agency recommends that doctors with patients who need medication with valsartan can substitute their doses with other drugs. valsartan is an active substance usually present in medications administered to hypertensive patients. It is also used to reduce the risk of heart attack, as well as heart failure or heart attacks .

It acts as a vasodilator helping to control blood pressure. According to the alert, the affected lots were contaminated by an impurity generated during a change in the manufacturing process. The marks removed were: Kern Pharma, Alter, Cinfa, Norma, Pensa Pharma, Sandoz, Almus, Aurovitas Spain, Combix, Ranbaxy, Stada, Qualigen, Ratiopharm, Tarbis, Tecnimede Spain, Tedec-Meiji Farma.

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