5 incredible benefits of laughter for your health You'll be surprised!


July 19, 2018 5:30 pm.

Laughter is one of the best therapies that improves health and science supports it. Therefore, Oncosalud leader in the prevention and treatment of cancer in Peru, details that the benefits of this practice have been proven and even guaranteed for stress therapy and pain. In addition, it provides a feeling of well-being and has a positive effect on the body.

Dr. Manuel Villarán, deputy director of the Scientific and Academic Department of Oncosalud – Auna details the benefits of laughter in health .

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1. It helps the cardiovascular system

There is a direct relationship between emotions and the cardiovascular system. This can be verified when we feel anguish or a negative feeling and our health suffers.

Several years ago we studied how laughter improves blood circulation, as it induces the release of endorphins which, by promoting the production of other substances (such as the nitric oxide), lead to the dilation of blood vessels and the reduction of the risk of blood clots, thus improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

2. Improves immunological defenses

One of the biggest benefits of laughter is that it regulates and moderates the level of stress and related substances. According to the study Humor and Laughter May Influence Health IV, conducted in 2009, this modulation of "stress substances" would improve the immune system even at the level of defense cells (NK cells). In this way, the researchers conclude that although there is still much to study in this area, humor is an excellent complementary therapy that helps to be and feel good.

It's a Powerful Analgesic

If you break out laughing, you produce a great release of chemicals, which will act in your body as a natural painkiller and increase tolerance to pain.

4. It raises good cholesterol

According to the study of doctors Lee Berk and Stanley Tan, it has been shown that laughter provides an increase in HDL (known as good cholesterol).

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5. Activates Pulmonary Capacity

Laughter is an involuntary activity that involves breathing and interrupts the breath. Precisely, when you laugh actively and improve your respiratory function, as well as the neurological and cardiovascular system.

"When we laugh, no other thought comes to mind, the body releases serotonin also called happiness hormone," says Dr. Villarán

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