A doctor becomes the second victim of the AH1N1 flu in Arequipa


The Doctor Rolando Corrales Aragón (50), specialist in Ophthalmology became the second victim of influenza AH1N1 in the region of Arequipa.

Jorge Velarde, chief of the Office of Epidemiology of Regional Health Management, said that the victim died this morning after a week of hospitalization to the hospital Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo of EsSalud, after becoming infected with the disease by attending a patient in the health center of Cerro Colorado District.

"Until now, we have 48 positive cases of the disease, according to the results of the laboratory of the National Institute of Health, and 147 suspected cases of the disease Cerro Colorado is one of the most affected districts, followed by Paucarpata and Mariano Melgar.The virus circulates in the city so preventive measures must be taken to avoid contagion, "said Mrs. Velarde

To find out whether or not the patient was vaccinated against influenza, if he had a chronic illness (diabetes, obesity, hypertension or other), also find out what treatment he received when he presented the symptoms, where and when he was assisted, before being admitted.

Five weeks ago, a 71-year-old man also died after contracting the disease. He had cardiovascular problems and died after being hospitalized in the same hospital


The first prevention measure is the vaccination of groups of people at risk : children under five, pregnant women, patients with A cancer or other illness with treatment, asthma, tuberculosis, HIV-AIDS, people over 65 and all health personnel in contact with patients.

In health facilities in the region, there are 140 000 doses for adults and 40 000 for children .

The second recommendation is to recognize the symptoms of influenza AH1N1 as hoarseness, high fever, malaise, runny nose, muscle pain, cough, etc. If the person has these symptoms, they must go to a health facility for specialized care.

Protocol of Care

The Chief of the Office of Epidemiology stated that the first recommendation the health personnel (doctors, nurses, technicians and nursing staff) must receive the influenza vaccine, because being in contact with them can be contagious.

In addition, all personnel are required to take personal protective measures such as: a mask and surgical gloves to perform the screening test for patients to be treated differently from triage and consultation rooms

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