Confirm 25 cases of HIV AIDS in Tumbes | Society


Recent information on the number of cases registered in 2018 of people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has raised serious concerns, as reported by the Regional Directorate of Health ( Diresa) of Tumbes. 19659002] According to the portal Tumbes Noticias, the owner of the Diresa, Rommel Veintimilla Gonzáles Seminario noted that during this year and according to the report received in the first semester, there are 25 cases of this disease that affects [19659002] YOU CAN SEE Tumbes: cameras record assaults at Zarumilla hardware store

The official said the most infected population is aged 20 to 59, who for lack of responsibility During sex they have suffered the consequences of a deadly virus.

He also stated that there have been cases of two Venezuelan citizens who count n the disease and go through the corresponding treatment, so recommended the population to pay attention to this disease by taking respective control with their partners.

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