A five-year-old child needs an organ transplant


Alejandro is a five-year-old boy waiting for a heart transplant that could save his life. He is one of about 2,000 people on the waiting list to receive an organ. In Peru, waiting for an organ can take many years and even some patients die before getting it because of the lack of culture of donation: according to figures from Ministry of Health there is only 1.5 donors per every million inhabitants one of the lowest cuts in the region.

Unlike Argentina, where the "Justina Law" was enacted, forcing any major person to become an organ donor, unless he / she Expresses its wish not to be one before dying, in the Peruvian case, laws are called to facilitate voluntary donation.

The Director of the Directorate of Donations, Transplants and Blood Banks of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), Luz Meza Vargas, the main problem in finding donors is the negative of the family of the deceased with brain dead as there is a belief that the transplant operation damages the physical appearance of the deceased parent.

"It's wrong. The donation does not cause any damage to the physical appearance of the donor, since the process of extraction is performed with all the care of a surgical procedure, "he said.

In the case of Alejandro and other patients, they worsen with time waiting.A transplant can improve their quality of life and saved them from death. "Doing an organ transplant, it's giving a quality of life Since January we have 35 donors, at most we have 2 or 3 donors ," he explains [19659009Thetheme of the gift ] is marked by mistrust and fear of the citizens, especially when it is a deceased parent. Fears is the organ trafficking.Every surgical procedure has a report and a multidisciplinary team is present.

To be a recipient and a donor without age limit, everything depends on the need to save: in a donor over 60, the possibilities of use are: minors.

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